
Beauty Secrets


Juggling multiple projects and deadlines, handling stress, attending meetings, working night shifts – these days working women seem to be walking a tightrope doing household chores and managing a successful career, with little time left to even catch up on sleep! And for most of them, work hours extend beyond 10 hours! With easy access to calorie-dense food through vending machines and office cafeteria, for women working insane hours, gaining extra pounds, and at all the wrong places (yes, we are talking about belly fat), is a given. And weight gain is just a tip of the iceberg, because a study done by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, in 2012, found that those who worked for more than 8 hours in a day had anywhere from 40% to 80% higher chance of developing heart disease compared to those who worked in an 8-hour shift! As we have mentioned above, a lot of women in the corporate, tech, and other fields are putting in around 10 to 12 hours in a day, glued to their computers. These insane working hours combined with sleep deprivation, chronic stress, exhaustion, and of course unhealthy eating pattern – leads to rapid weight gain. We would also like to mention that all these factors can throw hormones out of whack too, and thus, the biggest hurdle to weight loss raises its head. If you have nodded to all of the above conditions and feel that it’s you who we are talking about; overwhelmed with so much going around and anguished at the inability to get lean and fit, we have some effective tips that would help you jumpstart your weight loss journey while effectively managing both work and personal commitments.

Weight Loss Tips For Women Working Insane Hours

Why Women Who Work For Long Hours Find it Difficult To Lose Weight?

After a long day at work, most women are just too exhausted to exercise and find comfort in calorie-dense food and snacks for having worked hard. Also, with no time on hand to cook and readymade food available in a few minutes through food-delivery apps, it becomes convenient to just grab a plate and eat without counting calories. Also, such food ordered from restaurants may have unhealthy ingredients, transfat, and high sugar, sodium, and fat content, leading to weight gain. The combination of unhealthy eating habits, not exercising, sleep deprivation, chronic stress make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Also, having a desk job means leading a sedentary lifestyle. There’s an enzyme called “lipoprotein lipase,” which is responsible for burning fat and being in an inactive state can severely impact this enzyme’s “fat-burning activity” by 90%, such as when you spend most of your day at the desk or on the couch watching TV. Additionally, night shifts disrupts the natural circadian rhythm of the body and lowers metabolism further. All these factors make it extremely difficult to get lean or fit.

11 Weight Loss Tips For Women Working Insane Hours:

1. You Cannot Outrun a Poor Diet: Make no mistake, people would say just eat less and exercise to get lean. But it isn’t all that easy! In reality, eating right and not “less” does the trick. If you want to lose weight, avoid weight gain, or maintain the current weight, you have to absolutely watch the diet. Eating less would only drive the body to go into a “famine mode” where it would lower metabolism and burn fewer calories to hold on to existing fat. That’s why Rati Beauty Diet does not deprive you of food, puts you on a routine that’s easy to follow, sustainable, and is not restrictive, so that you have good energy to take on the world every single day.

2. Hit a Goal of 10,000 Steps: Not only to lose weight, it’s essential to be active through the day to keep health problems away, especially when you are working from home, spending hours together sitting before the computer. As we have mentioned above, an enzyme called “lipoprotein lipase,” which is actively involved in the fat-burning process can switch off when you lead a sedentary lifestyle, such as when you spend most of your day at the desk or on the couch watching TV. Being on your feet triggers the body to release this enzyme that helps to process fat molecules and glucose. If you have desk job, take break every half an hour, get up from the chair, and take a stroll. In fact, set alarm on your phone at every half hour interval so that you can take a short break and get some fresh air, and also reactivate that fat-burning lipoprotein lipase enzyme. In fact, short breaks during working hours also help to boost productivity.

2. Meal Prep For The Whole Week: We know how difficult it is to get back home after a long work day and then plan on what to cook. It’s the reason why most of us seek resort in readymade processed food, instant noodles, or better, order food from outside. That’s where meal prepping helps – you just have to take one or two hours on your off-day to chop, cut, and meal prep for the entire week. Once you have meal prep boxes ready in the refrigerator, it would take just a few minutes to put together a healthy dish from the Rati Beauty diet plan.

3. Don’t Skip Lunch and Overeat at Dinner: Never skip meals during the day just because you couldn’t find time to eat since most likely you would end up with a ravenous appetite and resort to binge eating.

4. Trade Sit-Down Meetings with Walk and Talk Meetings: You get to burn a lot of calories by just being on your feet. Ask your colleagues to do walk and talk meetings instead of sitting around a table.

5. Squeeze Workout Early in the Morning or Make Use of Office Lunch Break: Make your health a priority and squeeze at least 30 to 45 minutes during a day for exercise. Walking, jogging, yoga, gym, every activity where you get to move your body is great. In fact, you can make use of office lunch break to actually break a sweat.

6. Keep Away From Unhealthy Snacks: Clear the work desk drawer of unhealthy snacks and swap it up with trail mix or nuts for a quick bite.

7. Keep Sipping on Water: We all know how water affects weight loss, but most of us, fail to even drink 8 glasses of this precious elixir. Keep reminders on your phone to have a glass of water every 1 or two hours. Drink at least 2 liters of water because most of the time you are hungry, you might just be thirsty and need a glass of water. Our body is not good at differentiating hunger and thirst signals and tends to mixes both up. So, the next time hunger pang hits, wait for a few minutes, grab a glass of water, and see the hunger signal subside. Also, those frequent trips to the loo would make sure you are not sitting sedentary for long hours.

8. Find Ways To Stay Motivated: People often cite lack of motivation as a major reason why they can’t get started on a weight loss journey or give up halfway blaming fizzling out of motivation. If you think lack of motivation is the reason you are unable to lose weight, read about “7 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated To Lose Weight.”

9. Plan Ahead: Work lunches, birthday treats, promotion parties, team dinners, are all part of a professional’s life, but plan ahead on what you would eat and avoid calorie-dense food. Check menus online and plan exactly on what’s right for your weight loss journey.

10. Say No To Food Pushers: A “food pusher” can either be a co-worker or a friend or someone from the family who tempts you to eat more food, overeat, or just basically eat unhealthy food that’s not part of your diet. These “food pushers,” can knowingly or unknowingly derail your weight loss plan, by encouraging you to eat more food. Here are some extremely polite ways to say no to food pushers.

11. Sleep without Distractions: After a long and tiring day at work, guess what we all do – binge watch favorite shows, catch up on web series, and or just randomly view videos on youtube, compromising on precious sleep hours. Without good sleep (for not less than 7 hours), can hamper all your weight loss efforts because sleep deprivation slows down metabolism, increases food cravings, and elevates stress and hunger hormones – which do not work in your favour, especially while trying to get into shape.

With these tips, no one can stop you from getting healthy and losing weight.

7 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated To Lose Weight
8 Simple Ways To Stick to a Weight Loss Diet

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There is more than one way in which castor oil benefits hair; with its abundant anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it can effectively fight dandruff and clear scalp of infections. Castor oil also moisturizes and conditions hair, reducing breakage and split ends. But the most interesting feature of castor oil is its ability to prevent hair fall and boost new hair growth. Castor oil application is considered as the most natural way to combat hair fall and trigger new hair growth, something people use to make scanty eyebrows and eyelashes thick and bushy! But due to its thick and viscous consistency, application of castor oil directly on the scalp and hair is a bit tricky, and that’s why we have listed out 8 ways to use castor oil to boost hair growth.

Ways To Use Castor Oil For Hair Growth

Why Castor Oil is Absolutely Great For Hair?

1. This oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, which is a fatty acid, that can penetrate deeply into the scalp  boosting faster hair growth. Ricinoleic acid has anti-microbial properties as well, which helps fight dandruff.

2. It has loads of hydrating and moisturizing properties, and thus can reduce breakage by strengthening the hair.

3. Castor oil increases blood circulation and increases blood flow to the hair follicles and therefore it is highly beneficial in treating alopecia and hair fall.

4. Castor oil helps replenish the scalp’s natural oils and undo the damages caused by harsh chemical hair products that can sometime block hair growth.

5. Castor oil has antioxidants that increase keratin level in the scalp and hair follicles, reducing frizz as well.

8 Ways To Use Castor Oil For Hair Growth:

1. Egg, Honey, and Castor Oil Mask: Take one tablespoon honey, two tablespoon castor oil and one egg. Mix all the ingredients well to form a paste and then apply this mask on your hair. Leave on for about an hour, then shampoo and condition as usual to add softness and shine to your dull and dry hair.

2. Hot Oil Massage: Use castor oil for hot oil treatment and scalp massage to stimulate hair growth and keep your hair soft and manageable. Warm the required quantity of oil. Do this by placing the container of castor oil in a glass of warm water. Pour warm oil over the hair and scalp, and allow the oil to seep into the scalp and hair for 20 to 30 minutes before shampooing. For treatment of dandruff or eczema, use a comb and gently comb the scalp while the oil is setting. This loosens flaky skin and provides extra hydration to dry scalp. if you have fine or weak/brittle hair, it’s a good idea to mix castor oil with a lighter oil so that it’ll be easier to wash out later.

3. Castor Oil Hair Spray: Mix ¼ cup of water with ¼ cup of castor oil in a container. Shake well and use this mixture as a last rinse for your hair. This mixture provides your locks with a quick antioxidant boost.

4. Glycerin and Castor Oil Mask: After washing your hair, put several drops of this oil on your hair, and rub it through with some glycerin. Wait several minutes and rinse in warm water. You will have a head full of soft, radiant hair.

5. Mustard Oil and Castor Oil Spray: Mix an equal amount of castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil in a glass bottle. Shake them well and apply this mix into your hair and scalp. Wrap your hair up in a towel and let it set for 30 minutes. Shampoo and condition as usual. This is an excellent hair tonic that improves the condition of your hair and scalp.

6. Onion Juice and Castor Oil Hair Mask: This mask would strengthen and moisturise hair, along with boosting hair growth. Take 4-5 tablespoon of onion juice. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and mix. Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair and gently massage in circular motions for 3-4 minutes. Wash using a shampoo after two hours.

7. Honey, Vitamin E Oil, and Castor Oil Hair Mask: Take 2 tbsp of castor oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, honey, and squeeze a few drops of vitamin E oil. Mix them well and massage this mixture into your scalp gently. You can also steam your hair for better penetration. Wash your hair after 1 hour with a mild shampoo.

8. Olive Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, and Castor Oil Hair Mask: Take 1 tbsp of castor oil, 1 tbsp of olive oil and add 2 capsules of evening primrose oil and massage this solution on your scalp twice in a week.

And oh one important non-hair related castor oil tip, massaging the body with castor oil helps in relieving nerve inflammation and swollen muscles.

10 Homemade Deep Conditioning Hair Masks
Home Remedies To Treat Frizzy Hair After A Shower

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Even strict dieters would confess that they cannot show restraint around food while holidaying and tend to let go of watching what they are eating. We do agree that it becomes a bit difficult to watch out for portions and count calories when vacationing. But don’t fret, a few days of indulging wouldn’t ruin your gains, and even if the numbers on the weighing scale are creeping upwards after coming home, still don’t fret! It’s okay to have fun on a holiday because we understand it’s hard to summon will power when you are busy checking out local cuisine and tasting out mouth-watering desserts at every bakery that you can find. Just remember to get back on the diet after coming back from the vacation, and if you are struggling, here are 6 effective ways to get your diet back on track.

Ways To Get your Diet Back on Track After Vacation

1. Don’t Even Consider Crash Dieting: Don’t think of ways to punish your body for indulging in those yummy cheesecake brownies and apple pies, definitely not by crash dieting and depriving yourself of proper food for the next few days. In fact, pick a diet that’s easy to follow and sustainable. Crash dieting is neither healthy nor sustainable, and you would lose the motivation in just a few days. On the other hand, Rati Beauty Diet encourages you to eat the right kind of food, including veggies, fruits, whole grains, and even healthy fats, still managing to keep you within a calorie deficit so that fat burning would continue.
2. Consider Each Meal as a New Start: Consider every meal as a fresh start and do not kick yourself over not practicing restraint around food when you were holidaying. Do not wait for a Monday or a new month to lose weight, do it right now, from the next meal onwards.
3. Keep a Food Diary: Get hold of a diary and pen and start tracking your eating pattern every single day, and do it for at least two weeks. By this time, you would be right back on the track. Research says that people who keep a food journal and write down every meal into it, find it easy to eliminate calorie-rich and unhealthy food over the next few days. A food journal also helps to set a routine and down the frequency of snacking as well.
4. Clear out the Refrigerator and Kitchen: Get rid of temptations, first from the kitchen and refrigerator, then from your life. It becomes convenient to graze on high-calorie and packaged food when you are just bored and want to nibble on something to pass time when the refrigerator and kitchen is full of “ready-to-eat” items. The “out of sight, out of mind” policy would work very well when you stop stocking up junk food in the kitchen. Avoid buying and storing unhealthy snacks, processed food in your fridge, kitchen, and pantry, and see how amazingly this step would benefit you in cutting empty calories, and help with weight loss.
5. Shop with a Grocery List: Shopping without a grocery list can push you towards unhealthy foods that can attract with colorful packaging and unverified claims. Your grocery list can actually determine whether you are going to lose weight or gain a few more kgs over the coming weeks. That’s why one should place a lot of importance while preparing the grocery list because you might be bringing home stuff that can flood your body with loads of calories, unhealthy fats, high sodium and sugary foods, making it extremely difficult to keep off the weight. Do not go for grocery shopping without a list.
6. Meal Prep: Planning your meals ahead for the week and meal prepping ensures you would eating healthy and stick to the weight loss diet. Meal prepping promotes healthy eating and saves a lot of time during busy days when you have no time for elaborate cooking. Preparing batches of healthy food and storing them up in the fridge, that would last for most days in the week will save a lot of money, and cut down loads of calories that make their way through ordered foods from restaurants and eateries. Learn how to meal prep on a weekly basis to lose weight on the Rati Beauty app.

With these tips on your side, it would be super easy to get back on your weight loss journey.

24 Worst Foods in your Fridge that Prevent Weight Loss
List of 99 Grocery Items that any Dietician Would Approve
10 Amazing Weight Loss Tips For Women

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After a long and tiring day at work, the last thing you want to do is cut, chop, and put together a “healthy” dinner that wouldn’t throw you out of calorie deficit and ensure you are right on track on the weight loss journey. Home-cooked meals make sure you are eating healthy food, but on hectic days, when there’s no time to wash, peel, chop, boil stuff, putting together a “healthy” meal would seem like a hassle. That’s where meal prepping comes into the picture, when you know that there are “ready-to-eat” dishes waiting to be thawed, heated, or available in a “ready to cook” form, it would just take a few minutes to plate a weight-loss friendly dish. Also, meal prepping saves you a lot of time and takes away the uncertainty to figure out what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. Meal prepping also makes sure you are not falling to the temptation of opting for readymade food packets, instant noodles, or the most convenient of all, order food from outside when you are too tired to cook. As we have always maintained, meal prepping makes sure you are not steering outside of your weight loss diet plan, and just a few hours from the weekend, can set you for weight loss success for the rest of the week. Preparing batches of ready-to-eat/ready-to-cook dishes and storing them up in the refrigerator that would last for whole week, would not only help you to stick to the diet plan better, this practice will also save lots of money (cutting down the frequency of eating out and ordering food) from restaurants and eateries. All geared up to meal prep? Before that, read up on these 6 tricks to speed up the whole process.

Tricks To Speed Up Meal Prep on a Weight Loss Diet

1. Pick Easy-To-Cook, Healthy, Weight-Loss Friendly Recipes: Your job is half done when you know what to cook without having to worry about calorie counting – and you can find recipes and meal plans that trigger fat burning on the Rati Beauty diet.   Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.
2. Keep a Day To Do Meal Prep: Just one or two hours in a week is enough to wash, cut, chop, peel, prepare batches of healthy food for the rest of the week, and you can choose which day of the week is convenient to meal prep. Peeling and steaming veggies, marinating meat, boiling eggs, washing green leafy vegetables, preparing trail mix packets all take very little time, and you can do so while watching tv, listening to a podcast or favorite playlist on the weekend or any other day of the week.
3. Shop For The Entire Week and Stick To the Diet Plan’s Grocery List: The thumb rule of meal prepping is to make sure the kitchen is well stocked with essentials and ingredients needed to prepare the dishes. Picking up groceries according to the meal plan, for the entire week, saves time and money as well. Your grocery list determines whether you would lose weight or gain a few more extra pounds over the next few days. Grocery shopping is not an easy task, especially, when you are obsessed about losing weight the healthy way. When you shop groceries according to the diet plan for the entire week, meal prepping becomes super easy because all the ingredients are handy, and you are not scouting around looking for them when you get down to the prepping table. To make things easy, we have “99 grocery items that any dietician would approve” so that you know what to pick and what to dump while buying groceries.
4. Invest in Meal Prep Containers: To keep food fresh and properly portioned, plastic resealable bags and air-tight containers come in handy. They also make labelling pretty easy. Glass and microwave safe meal prep containers promote the habit of healthy eating and save a lot of time during hectic weekdays where there is little time to cook homemade food. Preparing batches of healthy food and storing them up in the fridge, that would last for most days in the week will save a lot of money, and cut down loads of calories that make their way through ordered foods from restaurants and eateries. If you are using plastic containers, make sure they are BPA free.
5. Keep the Kitchen Weighing Scale Handy: Portion control is essential to get into calorie deficit and burn extra fat. Do not eye ball the quantity of ingredients while prepping, measure them according to the diet plan. Measuring food is extremely important and a digital kitchen weighing scale helps a great deal in doing so. (Also read: “12 Kitchen Tools and Devices that Make Losing Weight Easier.” ) Measure out and divide food into single servings, and this will make sure you remain within calorie deficit every day.
6. Keep the Kitchen and Pantry Organized: Don’t waste time searching for ingredients in the fridge or pantry by keeping your kitchen and pantry organized.

7. Prepare Big Batches of Staple Veggies: Potatoes, carrots, eggs, beans, are some veggies that are used in almost every other dish. Wash, peel, chop them and store in containers or zip lock bags. You can freeze and thaw these veggies as needed. Contrary to popular opinion, frozen veggies do not lose their nutritional value at low temperature.
8. Label the Containers Out: Label each container with the contents, whether it’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and arrange them day wise.

With all these tips, we assume you are already heading out to the kitchen to prepare meals for the coming week.

List of 99 Grocery Items that any Dietician Would Approve
12 Kitchen Tools and Devices that Make Losing Weight Easier

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Women would nod in agreement that frizzy hair makes every day a bad hair day. Many women blame it on the natural texture of their hair and the climate, well that’s not the case. With the right hair care and the right products for your hair, anyone can flaunt smooth, shiny and frizz-free locks. And natural remedies work really well to smoothen frizzy hair and here are some natural ways to soften frizzy hair.

Soften Frizzy Hair copy

1. Hot Oil Massage: Oils don’t just nourish but also moisturizes your hair, giving you healthy, smooth and frizz-free hair. Nothing is better than a hot oil treatment, once a week, for all your hair related problems. You can use any oil of your choice. My favourite oils are coconut oil and argan oil as these two work wonders for curly hair. You can also use almond oil, jojoba oil and olive oil. Warm the oil and massage it onto your scalp for about 15 minutes.

2. Turban Therapy: A turban therapy is more like getting a hair spa at home at zero cost. All you need to do is, after the hot oil massage, wrap a hot towel around your head and include all of your hair in that wrap. You can warm the towel by soaking it in hot water and then wringing out the excess water. Keep the towel wrapped for around 30 minutes, and wash your hair using your regular shampoo.

3. Mayonnaise Treatment: Mayonnaise is, in fact, one of the best masks to treat frizzy and dry hair. It gives your hair an extra layer of moisture, thus helping to control frizzy hair effectively. You can apply mayonnaise alone or mix it with 1 egg and any hair oil of your choice. Make a smooth paste and apply evenly all over your hair and scalp. Keep it for about 20 minutes and wash off with your regular shampoo.

4. Yogurt and Honey Mask: This is one of my go-to mask for healthy looking, smooth and frizz-free hair. This mask works like any deep conditioning treatment would. It helps in retaining moisture and also acts as an emollient. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with about half a cup or 1 cup yogurt depending on the volume and length of your hair. Apply evenly over your hair and scalp and wash off after 30 minutes.

5. Beer Rinse: Weird as it may sound to many of you, beer is actually good for your hair. It not only helps to retain moisture but also makes your hair shiny and smooth. Shampoo and condition your hair like you normally do. And then, rinse your hair with beer. Take care to coat all the hair with beer generously. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse off again with cold water.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: Apple cider vinegar or simple vinegar, both are an amazing rinse for your hair as they balance out the pH level of your hair, and also helps in retaining moisture by closing cuticles. Vinegar also prevents the build-up of dirt and grease. The only drawback is that vinegar is smelly. Apple cider vinegar does not smell, so most people recommend using that. However, if you do not have that, you can use regular vinegar and mix it with strained tea to remove the smell. Remember, tea also works like an amazing conditioner for your hair.

7. Aloe Vera Gel Application: Aloe vera gel is one of the best-known masks for frizzy hair. It forms a protective layer over the cuticles of the hair, thus minimizing moisture loss. Aloe vera is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the itchiness of scalp. It also treats dandruff and hair loss. It brings back lustre to hair and promotes hair growth.

8. Coconut Oil and Egg Mask: I am sure that most of your mother’s or grandmother’s secrets to gorgeous hair include these two ingredients. Coconut oil acts as an excellent hair conditioner. It also promotes hair growth. While, eggs are rich in collagen, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins A, D, E, K and B6. As the hair is mainly made up of protein, eggs help strengthens the hair follicles.

9. Banana Mask: Bananas are great for hair conditioning, especially when combined with honey. Don’t we love most of the banana shampoos and conditioners available in the market? So, why not make the banana and honey mask yourself at minimum cost? For this, mash 1 banana and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey. Make sure that the banana has been made into a fine paste, or otherwise the clumps will stick into your hair and that will unnecessarily aggravate problems.

10. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is great for hair. You can include taking vitamin E capsules in your routine. Or, you can add vitamin E oil to your regular hair oil for added benefits. Vitamin E prevents hair fall, breakage of hair follicles and promotes healthy, shiny and frizz-free hair.

11. Coconut Milk: Coconut milk also acts as an excellent deep conditioner for hair. It moisturizes and nourishes your hair, making it strong, smooth, shiny and frizz-free. Heat coconut milk until warm. Apply this to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. Follow up with your regular shampoo and conditioner.

12. Avocado, Coconut Oil, and Honey Mask: It’s a good mask to restore damaged hair. Avocado and coconut oil are rich in fatty acids and honey adds oodles of moisture. Take half an avocado, and add 2 tbsp of coconut oil, and also 2 tbsp of honey to it. Mix well. Apply on the scalp and hair, keep for 1 hour, and rinse away with normal water.

With these 12 natural ways, you can flaunt the hair of your dreams.

Home Remedies To Treat Frizzy Hair After A Shower
9 Amazing Benefits of Mayonnaise Hair Treatment

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Among the multiple benefits that weight loss brings along, oodles of confidence is an assured outcome. However, there might be certain phases during the weight loss journey itself, when self doubt and skepticism sets in, and you feel demotivated and lose confidence – and this happens when you hit a plateau and do not see much progress even with sticking to the diet program and consistent exercise. When the confidence dips, mustering the will power and motivation to continue along can be quite difficult. That’s why, we have listed out 8 amazing ways to boost confidence during the weight loss journey, so that you can reach successfully at the place where you had planned to be.

Ways to Boost Confidence During Weight Loss

1. Remember Why you Started: When you feel like quitting, remember why you started! Whether it’s to get healthy, get fit, improve lab profile, or to fit into an old pair of jeans, remember the reason why you actually decided and made the effort to shed extra pounds. Going over the real reason that got you motivated in the beginning will give you a new boost of confidence.

2. Set Realistic, Short-Term Goals: To avoid disappointment, set short-term goals. It’s essential to determine how much extra weight you want to lose eventually, but break it up into short-term goals because they can be achieved relatively easily and within a short period of time. Start by making smaller and achievable goals, like reducing 1 kg per week, because that would take the pressure off, and will not leave you overwhelmed. When you achieve short-term goals, it will give you the motivation and positive energy to move towards the next goal, and you would eventually reach your long-term goal (which could be losing 15 kg or 25 kg overall).

3. Understand that you are Work in Progress: Don’t give into the pressure to look a certain way or a particular size or physique. Give your diet enough time to work and never beat yourself for slow progress, you will get there eventually.

4. Be Kind to Yourself: Be proud of yourself, and the progress you have achieved so far.

5. Look at Other Non-Scale Victories: Don’t be disheartened and lose confidence if even with your continuous efforts, the weighing scale isn’t budging in your favour, because there are other more important non-scale victories that you may actually not be noticing. Getting fixated on fluctuating numbers on the scale can leave you disappointed and demotivated because it only shows limited progress, making you ignore other positive changes that have happened both internally and externally. Being aware of these victories and celebrating them can boost your confidence and motivate you to keep going, work hard, and get to a healthier version of yourself. In this post, we have listed “18 Non-Scale Victories that prove that you are losing weight.”

6. Compete with yourself, Not Others: This quote sums it up “if you continuously compete with others, you will become bitter, but if you compete with yourself, you become better!”

7. Exercise Regularly and Consistently: Not just to lose weight, evidence suggests that regular exercise (in any form) boosts mental health, reduces anxiety, and boosts confidence as well.

8. Finally, believe that you can do it and reach your goal weight. Most importantly, follow a good weight loss diet such as Rati Beauty diet, workout regularly, and success will be yours.

10 Ways To Take Baby Steps Towards Weight Loss
18 Non-Scale Victories that Prove you Are Losing Weight

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If your hair is feeling rough and frizzy right now, please raise your hands. Most shampoos out there have sulfates that with their detergent-like properties strip away moisture, leaving them rough, frizzy, and dry. Ideally, follow the shampoo routine with a conditioner. Whether you have super thick and curly, or very fine and straight hair, you cannot get away with just cleaning your hair with shampoo, conditioning is just as important. Do not like the idea of coating hair with chemical-laden conditioners? Don’t worry, here are a homemade hair conditioners that will help you to hydrate, rejuvenate and revitalize your hair without burning a hole in your pocket.

Effective Homemade Hair Conditioners

1. Banana Hair Conditioner: Take 1 large overripe banana, 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 2 tbsp pure vegetable glycerin and 2 tbsp honey. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a smooth paste. Apply this conditioner on your hair and let sit for 30-45 minutes under a shower cap. Rinse thoroughly with tap water and then wash off with a mild shampoo. This conditioner improves the manageability of hair and gives you the moisturizing benefits.

2. Honey Conditioner: Take half cup honey, one and half cups water, half cup organic coconut milk and 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil. Blend the ingredients thoroughly in a food processor or blender so that all the ingredients are mixed well. Now, slightly heat this mixture in a saucepan (the mixture should be able to be handled without burning your fingers). Apply to hair from root to tip and then cover with a plastic cap. Rinse off with lukewarm water and then shampoo and condition as usual.

3. Take 1 medium banana, 1 egg, 1/2 avocado, 2 tbsp honey, 3 tbsp buttermilk and 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Put all the ingredients in a blender to get a smooth consistency. Apply this mask from roots to tips and leave it on for about half an hour and then wash out with a moisturizing shampoo. Slather your hair in this rich conditioner to bring back its lost lustre.

4. Yogurt and Mayonnaise Conditioner: Take 1 egg white, 1/4 cup plain organic yogurt and 1/4 cup mayonnaise. Beat egg white until frothy and then mix in yogurt and mayonnaise. Massage this mixture into wet hair and then cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash out with a mild shampoo. Use it as a monthly deep conditioning treatment to get silky and manageable hair.

5. Avocado Deep Conditioner: Take 1/2 ripe avocado, 1/2 tsp olive oil and 3 drops lavender or rosemary essential oil. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend well so that no lumps remain. Apply this paste on your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave on for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and then wash out with a moisturizing shampoo.

6. ACV and Egg Protein Deep Conditioner: Take 1 egg, half cup apple cider vinegar,1 cup plain unflavored yogurt and 5 drops of your favourite essence oil (a scented one such as jasmine or lavender would make a difference to the scent of this concoction). Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl and then apply to wet hair. Leave it on for half an hour before washing your hair off with a mild shampoo. This mild moisturizing protein treatment will do wonders for hair especially if you want to increase the volume of the hair.

7. Avocado and Mayonnaise Conditioner: Mash half of a ripe avocado and add 2 tbsp of mayonnaise, and  tbsp of olive oil. Mix well and apply to the hair. Keep for one hour and wash off with a mild shampoo.

8. Ghee with Olive Oil: Clarified butter or ghee adds ample moisture to dry hair and when you mix olive oil with ghee, it’s a double boost of hydration. Mix 4 tbsp of ghee with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Apply all over hair and scalp, keep for one hour and rinse with a mild shampoo.

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Trying to shave off extra calories in order to lose weight? Then, do start by making little tweaks and adjustments to your daily diet and we guarantee those will lead to major benefits in terms of weight loss, and one way to ensure that happens is by eliminating processed foods with empty calories. Here’s one place you can begin with – cut down condiments – sauces, jams, ketchups, dips, salad dressings, sandwich spreads, and of course mayonnaise. No doubt, all of these add loads of flavour and yumminess to every dish, but they are all calorie dense and can make fat burning extremely difficult. Mayonnaise, in particular, is something we use liberally and generously on a daily basis to increase the flavour of sandwiches, wraps, rolls, and salads, but remember this gooey goodness is made by adding loads of oil and vinegar to eggs, and just one tablespoon may have up to 100 calories and 12 gm of fat! And as we all would agree, it’s hard to stop at just one tablespoon or even two, and that’s why skipping mayonnaise will help you cut a lot of calories. Furthermore, having commercially-available mayonnaise regularly not only makes losing weight difficult, survey says that most of them are made with soy oil, which with its high omega-6 fatty acid content, can increase bad cholesterol, heighten the risk of heart disease and other health issues. High sodium, artificial ingredients such as MSG (monosodium glutamate), added sugar – there are just too many red flags in this creamy goodness. So, all of you who absolutely love the rich flavour of mayonnaise and want to find out better alternatives, here’s 10 of them:

Mayonnaise Alternatives For Those Trying To Lose Weight

10 Mayonnaise Alternatives For Those Trying To Lose Weight:

1. Greek yogurt: By switching to plain Greek yogurt, you can get up to 15 gm of lean protein per 100 gm also a good dose of probiotics, minus extra calories.

2. Mashed Avocado: A rich source of healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and also rich in minerals like potassium and the healthiest replacement for mayonnaise because of its rich and creamy texture.

3. Hummus: Made from chickpeas, hummus is a good source of protein and good for weight loss. In fact, a  survey has shown that people who consume hummus regularly have a smaller waist measurement.

4. Sour cream: Though it is a calorie-dense food, nevertheless, a much healthier option than store-bought mayonnaise.

5. Pesto: We have always underlined the importance of including healthy fats in order to boost the fat-burning process, and with pesto, you have a good source of healthy fats since it is made with nuts, olive oil, basil, garlic, but again, moderation is the key here too.

6. Mustard Sauce: Extremely low in calories, with no added sugar or other emulsifiers, mustard paste is a good replacement.

7. Baba Ganoush: You will never miss mayonnaise after tasting baba ganoush since it is a rich and flavourful Mediterranean spread made with eggplants, olive oil, tahini (made with sesame seeds), garlic, salt and lemon and bit of other spices.

8. Tahini: Tahini is Mediterranean spread that’s made from blending roasted sesame seeds with olive oil, and it’s absolutely yummy!

9. Almond Butter: High in healthy fats, protein, and not to mention delicious, almond butter can boost weight loss when consumed in moderation.

1o. Homemade Mayo Recipe: Okay, not ready to give up mayonnaise yet? Then whip your own mayonnaise by taking 1 egg yolk, 1 cup of olive oil, and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Mix the lemon juice and egg yolk, and whisk continuously, adding olive oil bit by bit, till you get a creamy and emulsified consistency. Add salt as per taste.

Though these are some healthier alternatives to store-bought mayonnaise, portion control and calorie deficit are essential if you are trying to lose weight. Also, do follow the Rati Beauty diet, where you can lose weight without crash dieting or compromising on nutrition. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

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