
Beauty Secrets


Since summer is at its peak, skipping sunscreen application on the face and other exposed parts of the body can prove to be a nightmare with adverse affects, most immediate and common one being tan that is caused by exposure to UVA rays. If you have been noticing the skin on your hands turning darker even with just a few minutes of sun exposure, instead of opting for chemical-laden bleach pack, try these home remedies to lighten the tan and give your hands prim and proper appearance.

Ways to Remove Tan From Hands

1. Massage with Fresh Potato Juice: Potato juice acts as a natural bleach and a skin whitening agent. Rich in catecholase, it lightens the color of the skin with regular use. To remove tan, grate some potato with a cheese grater, extract the juice, and massage your hands with this juice. Do it twice a week for optimal results.

2. Orange Peel Scrub: Rich in vitamin C, orange peel can lighten skin with regular use, and also with has anti-ageing benefits. You would need fresh rose petals, orange peel powder, honey, and raw milk. First, you need to take 1 tablespoon of milk in a bowl. Then add ½ spoon of orange peel paste. Combine them nicely into a smooth paste. Next, add 1 spoon of rose petal paste to it and mix all the ingredients well. Add some honey to the mixture and combine all the ingredients well one more time. Your scrub is ready to be used. Apply this scrub on face and gently massage it on your skin for around 5 minutes. Rinse with normal water.

3. Almond Paste Mask: Soak some almonds in milk for overnight and grind them in the morning along with the milk to form a thick paste. Apply this paste onto your hands and keep it for at least 20 minutes and wash off. Being rich in Vitamin E, almonds nourish your skin from deep within and make it smooth and silky.

4. Honey and Lemon Juice Mask: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can really help you in brightening and lightening your skin, especially when used with honey, it has bleaching properties. Take 1 tbsp of honey and a few drops of lemon. Apply all over hands and rinse with normal water after 20 minutes.

5. Soaking Hands in Raw Milk: Lactic acid in the milk helps to reduce tanning, heal dry skin and relieves sunburn. You can directly soak your hands in some milk for 15 minutes or mix it with some lukewarm water first. Alternatively, soak some cotton balls in milk and dab them on your hands.

6. Sandalwood Powder and Tomato Juice Pack: Sandalwood is cooling in nature and lightens complexion whereas tomatoes are rich in vitamin C that clears hyperpigmentation and dark spots. A paste made out of these two ingredients will be very potent and remove dead skin cells and dull appearance from your hands in a matter of minutes.

7. Gram Flour and Yogurt Pack: Gram flour or plain besan is often an under-rated skincare ingredient. Along with with rice flour and yogurt, it works as a potent tan-clearing scrub. It works as an excellent scrub, gets rid of unwanted facial hair and has an instant whitening effect on the skin. Mix 1 tbsp of besan, 1 tbsp of yogurt, and 1 tbsp of rice flour. Mix well and apply on the hands, keep for 20 minutes, and remove in a circular fashion.

8.  Honey, Milk and Turmeric Mix: Turmeric, also known as a golden spice of life, is known to brighten the complexion However, if used alone, turmeric might leave nasty stains which will turn your skin yellowish. To avoid that, ALWAYS mix turmeric with milk and form a smooth paste to apply. Mixing some honey in this mixture will make sure that turmeric doesn’t make your skin dry and you get the added benefits of honey as well.

These remedies would clear out tan with regular use and even remove dark spots and clear skin. Most importantly, never ever skip a sunscreen, not even on your hands!

Rose and Orange Peel Face Scrub
9 Amazing Besan Face Packs

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Everyone wants to lose weight, and that too fast! It’s a fact that losing weight can decrease the risk factors for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and alleviate weight-related issues like joint pain, and also ease out symptoms associated with hormonal issues. But some of us may want to lose weight to fit into smaller-sized clothes or into a pair of old jeans – whatever the reason maybe, it’s a good decision to lose extra flab and get fit. In this post, we have come up with some valuable tips that can actually get you fast results if you want to desperately lose some weight. In fact, with these tips, you can kickstart your weight loss journey and burn fat successfully.

Weight Loss Tips That Will Get you Fast Results

1. The Right Kind of Weight Loss Diet Plan: Make no mistake, a good diet plan coupled with physical activity would help you get into calorie deficit and burn excess fat and melt away excess kilos in a matter of just few months. And dieting definitely does not mean starving yourself! A healthy weight loss diet plan, such as Rati Beauty diet, puts on you plans that make getting into calorie deficit a breeze without food deprivation. These food items will make you feel fuller and better, and the best part is that they are low in calories, so you can eat them to your heart’s liking. Food in Rati Beauty diet plan is nutrient dense too, promoting fullness and nourishing the body at same time. Since they are also high in protein, fiber particularly help feel one fuller for longer. Your body needs calories to function normally. Starving yourself can give you results in beginning, but it can have adverse effects on your health, body, skin and hair. Also when you get too hungry, there are high chances for binge eating from the fridge and you will be unknowingly piling up calories and fat in your body. Instead indulge in a healthy meal and satisfy your body. So, do check out the Rati Beauty diet plan for more details.

2. Amp Up Protein and Fiber Content: Food high in dietary fiber and protein get digested slowly, keep the blood sugar level stable, and burn more calories too. So, replace junk food with those high in protein and dietary fiber.

3. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress not only makes it difficult to lose weight, it encourages build up of fat around the belly region! Do you know that one of the reasons behind frequent hunger pangs can be chronic stress, which can push you to seek resort in emotional eating. Stress and anxiety leads to release of cortisol (stress hormone), which can in turn increase the process of gluconeogenesis, where blood glucose is made from breaking down body’s muscles, and this blood glucose causes increase in abdominal fat. So, if you do want to expedite the process of weight loss, you need to find ways to lower stress and anxiety. Go for a walk, run, exercise, listen to music, or find a hobby that can help relieve stress and anxiety. Read about “10 Tips to Lower Stress in order to Lose Weight” in this post.

4. Cut the Frequency of Eating Out: You can lose a considerable amount of weight by eating home-cooked food! It’s easier to keep a track of calories when food is cooked at home. Though it’s okay to indulge in a slice of pizza occasionally, remember to get back on track the next day.

5. Say No To Sugary Drinks and Aerated Beverages: Love your colas and fizzy soft drinks? Hmmm, you need to give up these sugar-laden drinks with zero benefits and high calories to lose weight. Alcoholic beverages and aerated drinks have too many empty calories in them and they will not help you lose weight, in fact you will quickly gain weight if you consume such drinks.

6. Change your Workout Routine Frequently: Still following your old workout regime? Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Explore zumba, brisk walking, HIIT (high intensity workout), weight training, and boxing. Try something new every few days to keep your metabolism high. When you are following the same workout routine over and over again, the body adapts to those movements and over a period of time, they are no longer effective as they were before. Switch your exercise to burn calories and to increase your strength.

7. Give up Added Sugar: As we have mentioned above, sugar has empty calories that causes inflammation and makes losing weight quite difficult. You would do your body a big favour by quitting sugar altogether, not just for the purpose of shedding weight.

8. Replace Refined Carbs with Complex Carbs: Carbs have a bad reputation in the weight loss circles due to the common belief that they are fattening in nature and lead to increase of fat storages in the body; however, not all carbs are bad. Food items such as sugar, candies, white bread, pizza, donuts, cookies, burgers, chocolates, etc. have refined carbs that spike insulin levels and have loads of calories that quickly add up and get stored as fat in cells. On the other hand, complex carbs such as legumes, whole grains, vegetables, have comparatively lower glycemic index, get slowly digested, are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and help with weight loss. So, here’s a list of “Best Carbs to Eat for Weight Loss” you need to check out.

9. Keep Moving, Be Active Through the Day: Just one hour in the gym would be of no use if you spend the rest of the day on the couch or at the work desk. An essential fat-burning enzyme called “lipase” switches off its function after just 30 minutes of inactivity. That’s why it is completely essential to move around every few minutes to keep the calories burning.

10. Don’t Deprive yourself of Good-Quality Sleep: Getting good quality sleep, and that too for at least 7 to 8 hours, can do wonders for the whole weight loss process. You can literally have no food during the day and exercise like crazy for hours, but without a good night’s sleep, the tummy fat would not go anywhere. The better you sleep at night, more would be the chances of the body burning visceral fat, and flattening out the pooch. Also, when you wake up, it would be with a strong metabolism and low levels of ghrelin hormone (which is the hormone that makes you hungry). Additionally, 7 hours of sleep would help reduce cortisol level (stress hormone), which is one of the major reasons for increase in belly fat.

11. Stay Positive: At the end of the day, smile and never give up. If everyone else can do it, you could do it too! Appreciate even the smallest change, it may take time, but you will reach it. Keep your attitude positive at all times. Read some fitness stories for inspiration. One day you will reach your desired weight, keep moving!

Finally, It takes some time for the numbers on the weighing scale to move, wait for at least 20 days before you weigh yourself again. Remember to be consistent with your diet and work, and surely you will reap rewards. Hope these tips get you results, let us know your favourite tip, comment below, keep struggling!

What Would Happen if you Stop Eating Sugar For 15 Days?
10 Tips to Lower Stress in order to Lose Weight

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“100% natural, organic, low-fat,” are some buzzwords we automatically assume as healthy and consider as must-haves when trying to lose weight. We look for them everywhere, on supermarket aisles, online grocery stores, because they seem to have a health halo around them with multiple benefits, especially those that come with the “low calorie” and “low fat” tags. Food companies tend to cash in on this hype and attach such fancy tags to their products to appeal to the consumers. The “halo effect” was originally coined in the 1920s by Edward Thorndike, a reputed psychologist, who associated “halo effect” with a person based on their appearance and dressing style rather than their behavior. The food industry takes inspiration from here and markets their products with glorious tags to give an impression that their product is good and healthy without much evidence to back their claim. In this post, we have 14 such foods with a health halo around them, but then they aren’t exactly good for weight loss.

Foods with Health Halo

What is Health Halo Effect?

To assume a food product/ingredient is healthy, often falling for the heavily-advertised claims, without no concrete evidence to prove its benefits, and overestimating its health benefits, defines a health halo effect. People pick such products without much thought, automatically assuming it’s the best bet for them, and often indulging in overconsumption of such food.

14 Foods with Health Halo That Aren’t Exactly Good For Weight Loss:

1. Packaged Fruit Juices: Most of them claim to have 100% real fruits, with all the nutrients from the fruits retained. But not only do these juices lack fiber (absolutely needed for weight loss), they also might have preservatives and artificial flavours in them with high sugar content that can actually lead to weight gain. Reading the ingredient list will reveal the whole story and the real truth.

2. Pink Salt: Experts say the benefits of pink salt over regular salt is definitely overhyped with detoxifying, cleansing, and antioxidant properties attributed to this variety of salt, and most of them aren’t research backed. Falling for these claims can lead to overconsumption, but we would like to warn you that too much salt, no matter what variety, can raise the risk for high blood pressure. Do consume salt in moderation.

3. Greek Yogurt: Food companies promote the high probiotic content of yogurt, but flavoured Greek yogurt may also have artificial colour, added flavour, and of course heaps of sugar.

4. Packaged Cereals: It’s alarming the rate at which people are replacing traditional breakfast with low-calorie packaged cereals, which are processed food, most likely made with refined flour and added sugar. Same goes with muesli with dehydrated fruits that often have artificial colors to make them appealing, and also added sugar, corn syrup – all of them bad for weight loss.

5. Baked chips: Chips are bad for weight loss, whether they are baked or not.

6. Margarine: Made from vegetable oils and marketed as a “low-calorie, low fat” replacement for butter, it’s completely unhealthy, whether you want to lose weight or not.

7. Multigrain Bread: Okay, so it claims to have the goodness of grains, but is it primarily made from refined flour? Do read the ingredients list to be completely sure.

8. Granola: Everybody thinks granola is healthy, but this popular breakfast option that is store bought, may have a good amount of sugar and other sweeteners with high calorie content. It’s better to switch to traditional Indian breakfast dishes that are full of nutrients, low in calories, and are filling at the same time. For example, idli, dosa, dhokla, poha, etc.

9. Protein Bar: We often pick up protein bars to reward ourselves for working out hard in the gym and to supply the body with protein, but you are just putting back all those calories that you burnt during exercise with the high sugar content in the bars.

10. Gluten Free: There is no point in going gluten free if you do not have wheat intolerance or celiac disease. Gluten-free products are wrongly marketed as stuff that can boost weight loss, but there are no studies done to support this theory.

11. Brown Bread: Most often, the brown bread that you pick for easy breakfast is just colored version of your regular bread. Even if it’s not colored, there’s a high chance that the brown bread has a certain percentage of white flour, sugar, and salt.

12. Low-Fat Something: Many times when fat is removed from a product, salt or sugar is added to make up for the loss of flavour, to compensate for the lack of taste once the fat content has been ripped off. It’s better to pick full fat because it’s a much healthier option.

13. Sugar-Free Candies: They may have artificial sweeteners which actually may cause imbalance in the gut flora and if the gut is not in good health, weight loss becomes an extremely difficult process. Natural sweeteners like honey and stevia leaves are much better options because they are not processed or refined and get metabolized by the body in a natural way.

14. Peanut butter with salt and sugar: Sure peanut butter is a rich source of protein, but only when it’s homemade and not bought from the store because if you read the ingredients list, certain brands do add sugar, salt, and oil and market it as “healthy.”

Summing up, before picking any food, do read the ingredient list and nutrition facts mentioned on the packaging. Also, it’s important to practice portion control and count calories even with the healthiest of foods. Most importantly, eating the right kind of food and the right dieting techniques will lead to weight loss, and Rati Beauty diet is the perfect option to shed extra pounds and lose inches as well. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

50 Healthy Food Swaps That Everyone Should Absolutely Try
Almond Butter or Peanut Butter – Which One is Healthier

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Pollution, exposure to harmful sun rays, using poor quality cosmetics, all contribute to pigmentation of lips, and take away the pinkness and suppleness of lips. But a number of natural remedies can help you to lighten dark lips and restore their natural color. Read on to know what you can do to get the juicy pink puckers.

Home Remedies To Lighten Dark Lips

1. Show your lips some TLC and exfoliate them with a sugar scrub and a toothbrush. Sugar scrub gently scrapes off the dead cells and reveals fresh and smooth skin from beneath. Exfoliating the lips is one of the best ways to get rid of dry, flaky and dark skin which gives lips a dark appearance.
2. Every night before going to bed, apply mixture of honey, glycerin, and lemon juice to lighten dark lips naturally.
3. Apply a bit of fresh aloe vera gel on your lips every night. This will help to nourish and hydrate your lips, and gradually lighten the pigmentation over time.
4. Dabbing coconut oil or almond oil every now and then makes a whole lot of difference to your lips. It is one of the best methods to soften your lips and give you pink puckers. Instead of store-bought lip balms, these oils help you lighten your lips and also make them super soft and smooth.
5. Moisturize and condition lips by applying ghee on the lips, and leave it overnight.
6. Extract fresh pomegranate juice and apply it on the lips. It gives a natural flush and with time lightens dark pigmented lips to give you the pink puckers you crave for.
7. Beetroot juice is the most effective lip stain ever. And it’s completely natural and devoid of chemicals. You can apply beetroot juice on your lips as often you please and see your lips blossoming into a beautiful pink shade.
8. The potent combination of honey and lemon is a natural bleach and can fade the deepest of pigmentation. Instead of using lip lightening agents, use this natural remedy to remove the darkness of lips. Use it once or twice a week and follow up with a nice nourishing agent like a lip butter.
9. Take 1 tbsp of sweet almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice into it. Mix well, and apply it on the lips, and keep it overnight.
10. Make an effective lip scrub by mixing olive oil with sugar granules, massage this scrub on the lips, keep for a few minutes, and wipe off with a soft cloth.

Most importantly, protect your lips by wearing a lip balm with SPF of at least 15. The harsh UVA and UVB radiations cause most damage to the delicate lips. They wrinkle and darken, so your best bet to protect them is to apply SPF-based lip balms and also to moisturize them.

10 Ways To Get Baby Soft and Pink Lips
Beetroot Exfoliating Lip Mask for Pink Lips

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Here’s something we would like you to confess – do you look forward to dinner every single day because you can have your favorite mithai or dessert at the end, particularly as a treat after a hard day’s work. That strong urge to have a dessert, a piece of chocolate, a scoop of ice cream, or a juicy gulab jamun is quite common, but the fact that all these sweet delights have too many empty calories can be a prove to be a nightmare for someone who is trying to lose weight and get healthy because these extra calories are converted into fat and stored within the adipose cells by the body. Sugar also tends to increase inflammation in the body and puts one at a risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and even heart disease. So, instead of blaming your “sweet tooth” behind these intense cravings for sweets after dinner, find out the real reasons behind such an urge. Read on:

Reasons you Crave For Something Meetha after Dinner

Why Sugary Treats Are Irresistible?

When sugar enters the body, it activates an area of the brain called “mesolimbic dopamine system” which is also known as the “reward center,” releasing feel-good neurotransmitters like opioids and dopamine, that in turn cause a sense of pleasure, motivating us to reach out for sugar to reclaim the feeling of pleasure. Experts say craving a sweet after a meal is majorly due to the motivation to trigger the reward center of the brain.

7 Reasons you Crave For Something “Meetha” after Dinner:

1. For a Quick Shot of Energy: Our body needs calories to perform even basic body functions like breathing and digesting food. Digestion and extraction of nutrients does require considerable energy and towards the end of the day, when you are running low on energy, simple carbs from sweets can give a quick energy boost. This is one of the major reasons you need something extra indulgent even after having a full meal at dinner.

2. Compensating For Under-Eating Through the Day: If you have deprived yourself of food in the name of dieting, you are most likely to binge eat at dinner, and also intense cravings for sweets would hit the hardest.

3. Dinner is Mostly About Refined Carbs: Food with refined carbs spike up blood sugar and trigger the release of insulin which causes the blood sugar to drop suddenly. This wild fluctuation in blood sugar (the sharp rise and crash) will cause a need to replenish blood sugar, and the body looks out for sugary treats to bring back the blood sugar to normal level quickly.

4. Not Eating Enough Nutrients: Complex carbs, protein, healthy fats, fiber promote satiety, keep appetite in check, and do not cause sharp rise in blood sugar, and also keep cravings for unhealthy food, especially sweets in check. If your daily diet is mostly about refined carbs and lacks these above-mentioned nutrients, it’s not a mystery that you are reaching out for something meetha after a meal.

5. You are Stressed: As we have mentioned above, sugar triggers the reward center of the brain, and under stressful situations, cortisol hormone is released which triggers sugar cravings, and sugar can calm jittery nerves almost instantly. A new study has revealed that sugar actually helps lower cortisol in the body, and acts as a stress buster. Instead of depending on sugar to beat the stress, find healthy ways to de-stress.

6. Sleep Deprivation: When you compromise on sleep, it affects mental as well as physical health. Lack of sleep increases hunger hormone “ghrelin,” and stress hormone “cortisol,” both of which increase sugar cravings. Maybe you should stop blaming will power, instead sleep for 7 hours straight to control sugar cravings.

7. It’s a Habit: It’s as simple as that. Maybe you have been conditioned since childhood to finish the dinner with a sweet delight, but it’s now a necessity to break that habit, especially when trying to lose weight. Chew on a sugar-free mint gum right after dinner to help cancel out the desire to have something sweet after dinner.

Tips to Control Sugar Cravings After Dinner:

1. Avoid Refined Carbs in Dinner.
2. Eat a balanced diet, with good portion of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. If you are desperately trying to lose weight, find healthy weight loss meal plans on the Rati Beauty Diet.3. Sipping on chamomile tea, peppermint tea, rooibos tea etc., after dinner can help curb sugar cravings.
4. Brushing teeth with a minty toothpaste right after dinner can curtail all kind of cravings, not just sugar.

20 Ways to Control Hunger Hormone Ghrelin to Lose Weight
8 Changes in Body you Can See After Giving up Refined Carbs

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That moment when you make the decision to lose weight and form a strong commitment to get healthy and fit, it’s half the battle won against the bulge. However, you definitely need the right approach, correct diet and exercise routine to burn away excess fat, and while doing so, ensuring all of them are healthy actions, not pills or potions that falsely claim to cut away extra fat from your problem areas. In this post, we list down 12 healthy actions that help you get fit and fab. Read on for more details:

12 Healthy Actions That Help you Get Fit

1. Keep Calorie Deficit: It’s essential to get the body into calorie deficit where calories consumed is fewer than the number of calories burned. Calorie deficit can be created by cutting calories through what we eat and through exercise. You can also choose either of the two options, but combining both will bring about significant changes in the body. Cutting down calories does not starving through the day or exercising every single day is not required – eat the right amount of food, exercise regularly and consistently, and see the extra pounds melt away.
2. Drink More Water: Drinking water is super important to keep the body healthy and run your physiological system smoothly. Research has shown that drinking at least 8 glasses of water boosts the weight loss process by suppressing appetite, controlling hunger pangs, boosting digestion, and also by flushing out toxins that cause inflammation.
3. Eat From Smaller Plates: Do you know you can trick your mind into believing you are eating a large amount of food just by switching meal plates to a smaller size. The bigger the plate, the larger is the room for more food to be served. Make that important switch from 10 inch dinner plate to 8 inch small plate, and you would be able to finish everything that’s there on the plate without overeating.
4. Strive to be More Active Every Day: As we have mentioned above, it’s not necessary to exercise and hit the gym every single day, but it’s important to be active and be on your feet everyday to keep the fat-burning process dynamic. Lipoprotein lipase is an enzyme that breaks down stored fat into free fatty acids (in simple terms, it keeps the fat burning process running), but with prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyle, the functioning of this enzyme slows down and it affects fat burning by a great deal. That’s why, experts recommend being on your feet as much as possible, through the day.
5. Eat More Veggies with Every Meal: As we have mentioned above, you are likely to overeat with sugary and highly-processed food and get into a calorie surplus mode, but the same will not happen with vegetables on your plate. Fill half of your plate with vegetables and you would realize that you are able to clean the plate without wasting food and without dumping the extra calories into your body.
6. Eat Protein with Each Meal: Make protein a priority on the plate! Protein is an important macronutrient that not only repairs and builds muscles, it boosts metabolism, burns more calories with its high thermic effect. Eggs, tuna, chicken are good protein sources for non vegetarians. For vegetarians – lentils, beans, green peas, chickpeas, etc. are great sources.
7. Get 8 hours of sleep: All said and done, sleep deprivation is strongly linked to weight gain. We would describe sleep deprivation as having less than 7 hours of sleep. Having a sound sleep means waking up with a robust metabolism, with stress, hunger, insulin hormones all under control.
8. Take 10,000 steps and more: The first step towards a fit and leaner body is to get on your feet, and take more steps, and most experts recommend taking 10,000 steps or more through the day for that to happen. When the idea of hitting the gym and working out for hours together to lose weight does not seem like a do-able option, there is an easiest way to stay active and to make sure you are burning calories, and that’s by putting one step before another. So, walk your pet, ditch the elevator, and remember to stand up and walk every time you attend a call.
9. Limit Added Sugar: Adding refined sugar to everything is something you should learn to live without. Also added sugar that makes it way through baked goodies, processed food, etc., add a lot of unhealthy calories, raises inflammation, and makes losing weight extremely difficult. Say bye to sugar right now, it does absolutely nothing and increases the risk of diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
10. Mix Cardio and Resistance Training to Lose Weight and Build Muscle: Doing only cardio exercises will not help you drop extra pounds that quickly, combining different workouts, especially resistance training will help build muscle, burn more fat, and give you a toned body. HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine is also a good way to burn more calories within a short period of time.
11. Weed out Transfat, Processed and Ultra-Processed Food: These foods add a lot of empty calories without any nutritional value, making it extremely difficult to lose weight. Transfat, in particular, mobilizes fat from other areas of the body to the belly!
12. Find Ways To De-Stress: Under stressful conditions, a lot of people turn to food for comfort and tend to eat unhealthy stuff like processed food and fast food (with too many calories). As we all know, it’s really difficult to avoid stressful situations, so the best way to fight stress is to find different stress buster techniques and not rely on food to calm jittery nerves. Playing with the pet, going for a walk, dancing, yoga or pursuing a hobby all act as great stress busters.

It’s tempting to fall for the tall claims of fad diets, to lose weight successfully, you should start on a healthy diet (Rati Beauty Diet for example), which helps to lose weight and maintain it without applying the concept of food deprivation and encouraging you to eat the right kind of food. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

12 Calorie Cutting Tricks That Won’t Keep you Hungry
10 Amazing Weight Loss Tips For Women

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Like petroleum jelly, there’s another product that is inexpensive and has multiple uses – it’s baby oil! Don’t we absolutely love when we can find multiple ways to use a beauty product! Baby oil comes under the category of “multi-tasking product” that does not cost much, is easy to find, and made with gentle ingredients. Apart from saving a lot of money, baby oil is a safe product to use on hair and skin. In fact, baby oil should be in every woman’s bathroom cabinet. Not just for babies, it can be used in your beauty routine too, and in different ways that we bet you didn’t know up until now. In this post, we list down 23 amazing beauty hacks with baby oil every girl needs to know.

Baby Oil Beauty Hacks Every Girl needs To Know

1. To Moisturize Skin: Apply just a few drops of baby oil immediately after shower, on to wet skin, to lock in moisture and make skin smooth and soft. Even in winters, your skin will stay hydrated for long hours by following such a method. In fact, you can mix equal quantities of water and baby oil and apply it all over the body to make skin instantly hydrated and smooth.

2. As a Makeup Remover: When you want a gentle makeup remover, look no further than a few drops of baby oil. Apply the oil directly all over the face, give it a little massage, and wash off using a good face wash. You can also soak dry tissues in the oil and use it to carefully wipe the makeup, followed by a nice massage using a few drops of the baby oil itself. You can also carry baby oil soaked face tissues in zip lock bags when you go on travels to remove makeup on the go.

3. For a Smooth Shaving Experience: The razor will glide smoothly without causing any irritation, rash or burns when baby oil is slathered on the skin first. Baby oil can also soothe and calm irritation and rashes.

4. Under-eye Massaging Product: Just take a few drops of the baby oil on your fingers, and massage your eye area for at least two minutes. Then use a dry tissue to remove the excess oil.

5. DIY Homemade Lip Scrub: Make your own lip scrub for soft and smooth lips by mixing one tbsp of baby oil with half a tbsp of brown sugar, and a few drops of freshly-squeezed lemon. Apply this scrub in circular motion and wipe off with a soft washcloth. Do this every night and you will wake up with soft and smooth lips.

6. To Condition Makeup Brushes: After washing makeup brushes, pour a few drops of baby oil on to a flat plate/container and move the brushes in the oil in circular motion. Rinse the brushes, but without using cleansing agent, and allow them to dry completely before next use. Your brushes will feel unbelievably soft the next time around they touch your skin.

7. Make a Dewy Tinted Moisturizer: Just add 3-4 drops of baby oil to your regular foundation and apply all over the face and neck for a dewy finish tinted moisturizer look.

8. To Moisturize Feet: During winters, apply baby oil to the feet liberally and pull on the socks before hitting the bed and wake up to soft feet.

9. As a Cuticle Oil: Whenever your cuticles feel dry or rough, use a few drops of baby oil on them to soften them out.

10. To Tame Unruly Eyebrows: Soak a clean mascara brush in baby oil and use it to tame unruly eyebrows. You can also wet your eyebrow brush with the oil before you grab a small quantity of shadow with it and then use this to tame your brows.

11. As a Hair Serum for Frizzy Hair: Unlike most hair oils, baby oil will not leave hair sticky and flat. Just rub a few drops of baby oil between your palms and run it over the hair ends and on the crown of your head. This method will tame frizzy hair and add a nice sheen to the mane as well.

12. To Soften Cracked Heels: Soften cracked heels by massaging the feet with baby oil, and pull on the socks before going to bed. With regular use, cracked and rough feet will soften up.

13. Mix with regular Body Lotion for added Moisture: Amp up the moisture level of your regular body lotion by mixing a few drops of any baby oil.

14. To Remove Post-Wax Stickiness: Get get rid of that sticky and gooey post-wax residue by applying baby oil directly on the skin and then use a washcloth or tissue to take everything off.

15. Add Shine to Lips: Add shine and sheen to any lipstick by dabbing some baby oil on top.

16. As a Body Scrub: You can reveal soft and smooth skin by exfoliating the body with a body scrub made out of 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 2 tbsp of honey, and 1 tbsp of baby oil. Apply all over in circular motion and wipe away with a washcloth.

17. To Soften Rough Elbows: You can use the above-mentioned brown sugar body scrub to soften rough elbows too.

18. Body Oil: Now that summers are here, replace sticky and heavy body lotion with a lightweight body oil.

19. Add to Body Cream: To make skin extra smooth, add a few drops of body oil to your regular body cream.

20. To Make Foundation Dewy: Want to sport dewy makeup. Try adding  1-2 drops fo baby oil in your regular foundation to make a tinted moisturizer instead of wearing heavy foundation in this summer.

21. Tame Flyaways and Baby Hair: Tame flyaways and baby hair by smoothing a few drops of baby oil and comb through.

22. Shiny Legs: Want celebrity-like shiny legs? Slather baby oil generously on the leg and wear those stilettos.

23. To Revive Dry Mascara: Don’t worry if your mascara tube has dried out. Add a few drops of baby oil into the tube and shake well, you would get every bit worth your money from that tube.

So now do you agree that baby oil is not just for babies.

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We have always underlined the importance of following a proper diet to lose weight (you can check out the Rati Beauty Diet for more details), but exercising consistently is also important. Burning calories off does sound good, but dread breaking sweat in the gym and also do not have enough energy to do laborious cardio and jogging sessions? Well, here’s a fun way to burn calories – give your calories a last dance! Yes, if you love dancing, you can dance and fit in the dress of your dreams and shed those pounds! Even health experts have agreed that dancing is a form of exercise that can trigger weight loss and improve overall physical fitness. Since there are so many dance forms, here we tell you which dance is best for weight loss. Not only does dancing burn calories, it improves blood circulation, tones the entire body, and acts as a great stress buster (when you beat stress, half the battle against the bulge is already won). So, here are 6 dance forms that burn the maximum number of calories.

6 Dance Forms That Burn the Maximum Number of Calories

1. Zumba: Zumba is a form of dance which merges with aerobic movements. It is performed with energetic music thereby giving you a perfect high-intensity cardio workout. The choreography incorporates salsa, hip-hop, samba, soca, merengue and mambo. Don’t worry, even squats and lunges are also added in this dance workout that targets the lower body and tones and strengthens it. Zumba classes are usually offered by fitness clubs and gyms across the country with an aim to make people enjoy and smile while working out. This form of aerobic workout is great for overall fitness. For best results, it is advised to follow Zumba workout for least 3-4 days a week.

2. Hip-Hop: Hip-hop style of dance refers to street dance. This form of dance is performed along with hip-hop music. Hip-hop dance includes a wide range of styles like breaking, locking, and popping. This dance targets the entire body and it requires a high level of energy. The name “Hip-Hop” is given to this dance form because of the fact that it takes place mostly in hips and waist area which also helps to firm and tone your abs. Dancing while watching a YouTube video or at a fitness club for at least an hour will allow you to burn somewhere around 300-400 calories.

3. Indian Classical Dance: Dance forms like Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Odissi and Kuchipudi can burn a large number of calories and stimulates mental health. Most dance forms help to build cardiovascular endurance which further improves the longevity of heart and lungs but classical dance is good at toning lower limbs, thighs and calf muscles. It is estimated that about 10 minutes of Odissi is equivalent to an hour of any other form of workout as it involves movements of all legs, upper torso, wrist, neck and feet. Also, Kathak’s movements aid in toning up the body and improve blood circulation.

4. Salsa: The Latin American dance form is a sensual form of exercise and requires a partner to perform. Salsa follows a pattern of six steps which works with eight counts. It includes swaying, bends and swirls, and requires to be well coordinated and focused with your partner. If practiced regularly, a class of an hour can burn anywhere around 400-500 calories.

5. Belly Dance: Janhavi Kapoor, Nora Fatehi are celebs whose flat belly should inspire you to check out belly dancing. Shimmying away for one hour can burn up to 300 calories apart from toning the abs and flatten out the belly.

6. Pole Dance: Just like belly dance, pole dancing needs a lot of practice, but there are multiple benefits, it also tones the arms, shoulders, back, leg muscles and makes the body flexible. You can burn up to 300 calories in one-hour of pole dancing.

Now, you have to decide which dance form is best for you! Now all you need is good music and some moves, happy dancing!

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Who doesn’t like that natural blush look with an added glow on their cheeks? Well, all of us do! But during summer, the heat, humidity, and harsh sun rays can take a toll on the skin and rip away all the glow. Now, there are dewy makeup products and blushes from different brands that can give you rosy cheeks, but a “lit from within” glow, try these 1o tips to get glowing cheeks this summer.

10 Ways To Get Glowing Cheeks in Summer

1. Exfoliate Once or Twice a Week: Exfoliation helps to get rid of dead skin cells that build up and give skin a dull and lacklustre look. To get rid of flaky and dry skin, use a mild scrub or this “homemade rice and milk scrub” to polish skin once or twice a week.

2. Facial Massage: Massage your cheeks in circular motion twice a day to increase blood circulation, this practice will give a natural glow to the cheeks.

3. Healthy Diet: “You are what you eat!” That’s so true, especially for healthy skin. For glowing skin, add colourful foods such as carrots, tomatoes and other nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Also, do not forget to eat a good portion of nuts and seeds to get your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Stay Hydrated: Water is an elixir that has magical benefits, and that’s why experts recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water can solve almost all skin-related issues. Drinking water keeps the body hydrated, flushes out toxins, and clears out all skin woes.

5. Lemon and Honey Mix: Squeeze out juice from half a lemon and add 1 tbsp of honey to it. Mix well and apply on the face and neck area. Keep for 15 minutes and rinse away with normal water.

6. Tomato Facial: This homemade facial with tomatoes clears dull skin, brightens complexion, reduces tan and adds amazing low to the skin.

7. Exercise Regularly: Don’t you just love that wonderful glow after a sweaty session in the gym? Exercising, yoga, every form of physical activity promotes blood circulation and helps to clear out toxins from the body, and helps the skin glow from within.

8. Almond and Rose Petal Face Pack: Grind a few almonds and mix them with crushed rose petals and honey. The pack may be easily stored in fridge for up to a week. Rose petals will add that rosy texture and colour to your cheeks.

9. Fresh Rose Petal and Raw Milk Face Pack: Take crushed rose petals and 1 tbsp raw milk. Blend them. Use this paste to apply on your face for that rosy glow to your overall face.

10. Beetroot Face Pack: This is the easiest remedy to get instant natural blush on your cheeks. Just dab some beetroot juice on your cheeks and you have the natural flush of red and pink on your cheeks. Although, this remedy is only temporary and not a permanent solution.

So these were a few tips. Choose what suits you best!

Rice and Milk Scrub for Polished Skin
Tomato Facial For Dull and Oily Skin with Pictures

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We keep reminding you to steer clear of fad diets in order to avoid side effects and health issues while trying to reach your goal weight (hair fall, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, dehydration are some minor ones people complain about). There’s no doubt that dieting coupled with regular physical activity will melt away excess stored fat, but fad diet is something you should not even try. But what are fad diets and how can you identify a fad diet? A fad diet can be categorized as a diet that promises dramatic results without any scientific research to back the claims. These diets are not sustainable and most of them are based on food deprivation, focus only on a single ingredient, and cannot be even termed safe. They sound good options for people looking for quick fixes and such diets cash in on their desperation to get lean and slim. But the main issue with these diets is that you would most likely gain all the lost weight back within a few days after you begin to eat normally. That’s why fad diets are not the best way to lose weight and definitely not the best option to burn excess fat. And here are 10 fad diets that we absolutely do not recommend to people trying to lose weight.

10 Fad Diets That We Absolutely Do Not Recommend

How To Identify a Fad Diet?

1. Based on food deprivation, asks you to stay away from real food.
2. Promises fast results without dieting or exercise.
3. Asks you to replace normal meals with appetite suppressant powder and mixes.
4. Asks you to eliminate fruits, vegetables, grains, and whole foods.
5. Most weight lost is water weight and muscle, not stored fat.
6. Suggests sticking to particular food or food group only for the diet period.
7. Recommends laxatives, diuretics.

10 Fad Diets That We Absolutely Do Not Recommend:

1. Ice Cream Diet: This diet recommends having your favorite ice cream daily along with a calorie-restricted diet, limiting total calorie intake to 1500 calories per day. Though this may sound to good to be true, and ice cream sounds like the magical ingredient to melt away fat, do note maintaining a calorie deficit is important, whether you have the ice cream or not. In fact, you could have other nutrient-dense foods instead of the ice cream to aid the fat-burning process.

2. Cabbage Soup Diet: It recommends surviving only on cabbage soup for a week, no other solid food for these days. You are allowed to have fruits and vegetables, and milk, but not anything else. Apart from nutritional deficiencies, it may trigger health issues, and surprisingly, no real fat gets torched.

3. Master Cleanse: You are allowed only a lemonade drink for 10 days and nothing else in order to flush out toxins and detox the body. People who have tried this diet have reported feeling dizzy, queasy, and fatigued.

4. Baby Food Diet: Someone came up with this drastic and weird idea to slash calories – replace all meals of the day with 14 jars of baby food!

5. Cookie Diet: Developed by a bariatric surgeon, Dr. Sanford Siegal, it recommends having specially-formulated cookies to help people control their hunger and appetite. This diet however allows one meat/fish product and vegetables for dinner!

6. Grapefruit Diet: Grapefruit has been hailed as a magical ingredient that can target stored body fat and that’s what this diet promotes.  It recommends having grapefruit or its juice with every meal, with severe calorie restriction of only 800 calories.

7. Crash Dieting: People often think that crash dieting would fetch faster weight loss, but crash dieting is based on the concept of food deprivation which can trigger nutritional deficiencies, and push the body to go into a “famine” mode with reduced metabolism and out-of-whack hormones. Also, crash dieting can make you look malnourished. Lose weight the healthy way by following the Rati Beauty diet which places great importance on eating the right kind of food to burn excess fat. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

8. Ice Cube Diet: For torching away excess calories, this diet recommends having ice cubes through the day, with the logic that ice cubes would utilize extra calories and use more energy to heat the ice!

9. Cambridge Diet: Extremely restrictive, this diet is based on food deprivation and recommends eating soups, shakes, and bars.

10. Liquid Diet: It requires you to stay away from solid food and gulp down liquids such as broth, water, fruit juices, smoothies, milk, etc. with severe calorie restriction.

Side Effects of Following Fad Diets:

1. Not sustainable, only short term results.
2. All the lost weight comes back when you begin eating normally again.
3. No proper research to back such diets.
4. Causes nutritional deficiencies.
5. No real fat burning happens.

So, what is your best bet to lose weight – a diet like Rati Beauty which helps you to get into a calorie deficit by eating real and healthy food, and makes sure you are not missing out nutrients. This is also a safe and effective weight loss diet plan. Also, do remember to cut down processed food, limit intake of sugar, and be physically actively.

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