
Beauty Secrets


Who says losing weight is a never-ending struggle? Only those who have been following fad diets and wrong kind of weight loss strategies. If you are on the Rati Beauty diet, it’s quite effortless to shed pounds. If you are also struggling to lose weight since a long time now and have given up all the hopes to get in shape, we bring to you the list of 12 tips and tricks that surely will work like a charm and help you shed all those extra pounds. Read on:

Things That Help To Lose Weight Fast

1. Identify and Eliminate Obesogens in your Home: Unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle are largely blamed for weight gain and obesity; however, not many know, but there are “obesogens” all around us, particularly lurking around in our homes, that disrupt endocrine activities, hamper hormonal function (mostly those that regulate weight), and encourage the body to store fat. These obesogens are also chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of hormones and damage the body’s natural weight-control mechanisms. They also trigger creation of new fat cells as well as increase the storage capacity of existing fat cells. If you haven’t seen any progress in weight loss despite exercising and sticking to dieting routine strictly, blame it all on the inhibiting properties of “obesogens.” The outcome is usually lowered metabolism, thyroid malfunction, insulin resistance, and heightened inflammation – in all cases – where the body starts to store fat and slowly builds up weight, which is difficult to lose even with proper diet and exercise. House dust, phthalates, triclosan are some common obesogens that are lurking around in your home, so make sure your house is free of these obesogens.

2. Make Positive Changes To your Lifestyle: Without making lifestyle changes, weight loss would occur at a slow pace. Swap sedentary lifestyle with an active lifestyle, move more, cut down junk food consumption, quit smoking, etc. Additionally, make these “17 Small Lifestyle Habits That Will Help you with Weight Loss,” and you will be blasting off a ton of calories every week.

3. Order Mindfully While Eating Out: If you must eat out, make better food choices. For example, instead of ordering pasta or pizza, order a salad and soup. Also, try to minimize the number of times you eat out because it becomes extremely difficult to maintain a calorie deficit while eating out.

4. Give up Sugar: Removing sugar from your diet can be a complete game-changer in your life. If you are dreaming about a lighter version of you, then completely give up on added sugar. Read about “14 Ways to Cut Down Sugar For Weight Loss and Health.”

5. Split Workout Throughout the Day: Just one hour of gymming is not enough to keep the fat burning process active in the body. In fact, leading a sedentary lifestyle for the most part of day will slow down the lipase enzyme that is essential to torch up calories. Also, if your body is not capable of doing a full blown hour-long workout at the beginning, break up your workout in 20 minutes slots throughout the day. Do a little dance while watching TV and jog on the spot while doing laundry; just keep fiddling and stay fit!

6. Eat Fiber-Rich Food: Fruits and veggies that contain fiber helps you to curb hunger pangs for long and also supply ample nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and protein that build muscle and nourish the body. In fact, try to fill half of your plate with vegetables and you can get the benefit of loads of nutrients and avoid extra calories from piling up in your body.

8. Find Ways To Boost Metabolism: If there is one way to lose weight at a faster pace, it’s by boosting one’s metabolism. With wrong dietary choices, sedentary lifestyle, increased stress, lack of sleep, metabolism tends to drop down considerably and the body loses its ability to burn extra calories at a steady rate. As a result, a person tends to pile on calories and stores that as fat in the body. Metabolism is the pace at which the human body burns calories for energy. To boost metabolism naturally, exercise regularly, eat healthy, sleep for at least 7 hours each night, find ways to de-stress, drink adequate water, and eat these “25 Vegetarian Metabolism Boosting Foods For Weight Loss.”

9. Clean out your fridge and pantry and get rid of all the food items which cause cravings in the first place. If you won’t have junk food within reach, you will be forced to make better food choices which will be healthier and better for you.

10. Do Practice Portion Control: There is no use of rewarding yourself with a cheat meal every now and then if you are going to load up thousands on calories in a go and make all your efforts futile. Instead, help yourself with smaller servings of your favorite dishes and chew it slowly to savor the flavor slowly in your mouth, and practice portion control. Here are “10 Tips to Portion Control Food for Weight Loss.”

11. Drink a lot of water and pack your own snacks: Drinking water throughout the day will keep you feeling fuller and you will feel the lesser need to snack in between the meals. However, if you must snack, carry some healthy snack options with you like homemade poha or a medium sized apple to munch on while on the go.

12. Sleep Like a Baby: Sleep deprivation can lower metabolism, increasing cravings for unhealthy food, and also increase stress hormone. In fact, sleeping for lesser than 7 hours, makes your metabolism slump to its lowest and that will lower the pace at which body burns fat. Get a minimum of 7 hours each night to lose weight successfully.

Apart from these, relax, sleep well, and find hobbies that would lower stress. Most of us turn to high-calorie, high-sodium, sugary delights when we are stressed out. Chronic stress, just like sleep deprivation, act as major roadblocks in a person’s weight loss journey. So, relax and find ways to take your mind off stress.

10 Things Diet Experts Won’t Tell you About Weight Loss
10 Tips to Portion Control Food for Weight Loss

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We don’t actually mind the extreme dryness and roughness around elbow area because no amount of moisturizer seems to work to soften the skin, and no amount of massaging lemon peel would work; in fact applying lemon peel can worsen the situation. In this post, we list down 10 Tips To Soften Dry Skin on the Elbows, read on:

Tips To Soften Dry Skin on Elbows

1. Exfoliate with this Papaya Scrub: Exfoliating your elbows with the help of harsh loofahs and brushes might seem like an easy and quick fix; however, there are gentle and more effective ways to exfoliate skin, and one of them is using this papaya and oats scrub. Papaya has an enzymed called “papain,” which dissolves dead skin cells and also improves collagen turnover. Regular use of papaya also removes blemishes, dark spots and evens out skin tone, giving a glow to the face, naturally. The other ingredient in this scrub, oats, also acts as a gentle exfoliant. Oats is alsodeeply moisturizing your skin and helps fight against premature ageing. Here’s how you can make an effective homemade body scrub to smoothen rough elbows. But do remember to
massage this scrub on to wet skin, keep for 20 minutes, and wash away in gentle circular motion.

2. Milk Pack: Milk is a natural moisturizer, also rich in lactic acid. While lactic acid exfoliates and reveals a smoother texture, the moisturizing properties of milk keep your elbows protected. To make this milk pack, dip a cotton ball in raw milk, and massage on the rough skin of elbows. Keep for 20 minutes, rinse off with normal water.

3. Moisture with a Thick Lip Balm: Using the right kind of moisturizer is the key to keep your elbows protected, and your regular body lotion may not provide sufficient moisturization. For your elbows, use a thick lip balm instead that deeply condition dry and chapped skin.

4. Never Forget To Apply Sunscreen: Elbow is the last place where we would think of applying sunscreen. Keeping your elbows covered is a sure shot way to protect them from harsh rays of sun. Protect your elbows with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent skin damage. Here’s the list of “10 best fragrance-free sunscreens” for all skin types.

5. Apart from moisturizing your elbows throughout the day, you need something heavy duty on your elbows to treat them from inside while you get your 8 hours of beauty sleep. For this, we suggest that you use Vaseline petroleum jelly on your elbows at night. Just apply a thick coat of jelly on your elbows before bedtime, forget about it and doze off.

6. Overnight Treatment with Coconut or Avocado Oil: Coconut oil and olive oil can help soften rough skin. Apply either coconut oil or olive oil before bedtime and allow these oils to penetrate deep into the skin and smooth out the dryness. Coconut oil also treats hyperpigmentation and moisturizes skin as well. You can also try this mask, mix 3 tbsp of coconut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Massage the elbow area for 2 to 3 minutes, keep for 15 minutes, and wash off with warm water.

7. Invest in a Good Retinol Product: Retinol is not just for your face, it also exfoliates the top layer of skin, stimulates cell turnover, and help replace old dead cells with new smoother ones. Here’s a list of “9 Retinol Creams For Beginners.”

9. Make a serum by mixing equal quantities of almond oil and aloe vera gel. Use this as serum and leave it overnight.

10. Baking Soda Scrub: As we all know, baking soda has exfoliating properties and when used as a scrub, it will soften the elbows and clear darkness as well. Take 1 tbsp of baking soda and add water bit by bit to make a paste. Apply on the elbow area, scrub in a circular motion for 2 to 3 minutes, and wipe off with normal water.

With these tips, you can effectively soften rough elbow skin and clear dark spots as well.

10 Best Fragrance Free Sunscreens in India
7 Night Creams with Almond Oil and Aloe Vera Gel

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It’s as clear as daylight – to lose weight and to get healthy, you need to eliminate sugar from your diet! But some people do not see any results even with cutting out refined white sugar completely, and that’s because white sugar is not the only way sugar is flooding your body. Experts say that an average person consumes up to about 22 tablespoons in a single day! We see you shaking your head in disbelief because there’s no way you are adding that many tablespoons of white sugar into the daily morning coffee mug! So, how is such a huge amount of sugar making its way into your diet? That’s because a major percentage of sugar consumption comes from processed and packaged food that you pick off grocery stores and supermarket aisles! There are of course guidelines on how sugar can be added to food, but companies do manage to find loopholes and add heaps of sugar to their products to appeal to the tastebuds of consumers and also to make their food hyperpalatable. Now, here’s the problem – overconsumption of sugar is linked not only to type 2 diabetes, it also heightens the risk of obesity, hypertension, and heart disease apart from making losing weight extremely difficult. There are plenty of food items that we consume as staples in our daily diet, which unfortunately, contain surprisingly high amount of added sugar. Sugar in all its forms, triggers a sharp jump in blood sugar and insulin, and this blood sugar regulating hormone, also encourages the body to convert and store all those extra calories into fat. Here’s what you can do to avoid chronic diseases and weight gain – eliminate sugar containing food items as much as possible and the first step towards this goal would be to identify how sugar is hiding in your daily food products, and how food companies are finding different ways to hide sugar in your food. Read on:

Food Companies are Hiding Sugar in your Food

Why Give up Sugar?

When you cut down sugar from your diet, you will lower the chances to develop chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. It will also give your body a chance to heal inflammation and repair damaged cells and tissues. Though sugar tastes sweet and appetizing, it creates an addiction sort of behavior by triggering the reward center of the brain that releases feel-good hormones like opioids and dopamine. As we have mentioned above, too much sugar triggers a lot of undesirable chemical effects such as headache, hormonal changes, insulin resistance, diabetes, and above all, fat storage and eventual weight gain. Refined sugars can quickly spike up blood sugar in the body and that’s when the “feel good” factor sets in, but then the drop in blood sugar levels after the initial spike will drain out your energy. The biggest issue is when the body converts the excess sugar into fat which it can use later in case of a crisis. This is exactly what leads to weight gain and that’s where the importance of cutting down sugar comes into play if you want to seriously lose weight. When you give up sugar, you may have temporary symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, brain fog, and mood swings; however, within a few days, the body adjusts to the “no sugar phase,” and you would see remarkable changes in your physical health. Also read: “How To Lose Weight While Eating More Food.”

1. No more mood swings!: When you cut back on added sugar which your body gets through candies, cookies, cakes, processed and canned food items, packaged food, you will be doing yourself and your body a huge favour because it would mean low insulin spikes, less inflammation in the body, and almost nil mood swings.

2. Your Skin Would Glow and look Younger: Cutting down sugar will have an amazing reaction on your skin because insulin spikes caused by high refined sugar in the body causes inflammation of skin which leads to premature ageing, wrinkles, acne, and uneven skin tone. If you want to look 10 years younger, then the first thing you should do is eliminate sugar from your system. Sugar in the bloodstream leads to a process called “glycation,” in which sugar molecules damage the collagen and elastin (responsible for suppleness and firmness) in our skin. Cutting down glucose will eliminate insulin spikes which will eventually lower down inflammation of the skin and you can get your youthful glow back within two weeks. So, when you cut back on sugar, you can say bye bye to acne and wrinkles for as long as you want.

3. Get a Goodnight’s Sleep Every Night: Haven’t we all heard about “sugar rush” in kids, to the point that parents dread giving children sugary treats to their kids close to their bedtime. And that’s because it’s hard to fall asleep and have a goodnight’s sleep when there is a high amount of sugar running in your bloodstream. So, cut down the sugar and sleep tight guys.

4. Get Lean and Lose Weight: The biggest benefit of cutting down refined sugar is weight loss! If one consumes more sugar, the body will convert the glucose from sugar source to fat and store it for later use. By cutting down sugar, you will not be providing the body fuel for fat storage (glucose) and with strict exercise and diet routine, you would be able to shed weight really well and get your dream body and goal weight quickly.

5. Keep PCOD under check: As we all know, PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) is a lifestyle disease as much as it is a hormonal disorder. High sugar levels is the major reason for PCOD. High sugar levels means high insulin release which is needed to store glucose in the cells. Constant rise in sugar levels in the body would eventually make cells resistant to insulin and they would stop responding to the hormone insulin and one would end up getting PCOD and diabetes. So, the solution is saying bye to sugar and processed food, instead switch to whole, unprocessed and unrefined foods without preservatives.

6. Prevent Life-threatening Diseases: Cutting off sugar completely from the diet will automatically reduce your risk for life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, hormonal disorders, etc. When you eat sugary goodies, the insulin level rises in the body and it eventually leads to high blood pressure, inflammation. High blood pressure can lead to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, etc. Sugar also raises triglyceride levels (bad fats) in the blood which are also responsible for heart attack and stroke.

7. Reverse Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetic Situation: Low sugar means the constant state of insulin spikes in your body will decrease and your body will be able to regulate and utilize glucose better. Insulin resistance is a condition where the body produces insulin but the cells do not use it properly and there’s an excess of glucose always in your bloodstream. With zero refined sugar, you can reverse insulin resistance and the pre-diabetic situation effectively.

8. No more Cavities: Every toothpaste advertisement out there claims to fight cavities “caused by sugary treats.” Now, that’s the key, when you go without sugar, there’s no more cavities, right, it’s that simple!

9. No more Belly Fat: Do you guys know that though insulin is needed to regulate blood sugar levels in the body, it is also a fat-storage hormone which helps the body to store fat predominantly in the belly region. Once you go without sugar for 15 days, along with regular exercise and dieting, slim waist is in store for you.

10 Ways Food Companies are Hiding Sugar in your Food:

1. Giving it a non-sugar sounding complex name: You would be surprised to know that sugar can be easily disguised under different names. Crystalline fructose, Dextrose, fructose, galactose, lactose, maltose, diastatic malt, agave nectar, caramel, evaporated cane juice, high fructose corn syrup, are all forms of sugar, which are all processed in the same way by the body as white sugar. The next time you go grocery shopping, make sure you steer clear of these “48 Different Names for Sugar That Have Been Added Sneakily in Processed Food.”
2. Claiming they are giving you a Healthier Alternative: Brown sugar, agave nectar, high fructose corn syrup, fruit concentrates, etc., are promoted as better and healthier alternatives in food products to white sugar, but they all cause blood sugar jumps and insulin spike, they are in no way better than refined sugar.
3. Push Them in “Diet” Friendly and Healthy Food: Sports drinks, protein bars, granola, diet fizzy drinks instant oats, salad dressings, packaged fruit juices, peanut butter, can sometimes contain heaps of sugar and some of them are even promoted as weight-loss friendly and healthy!
4. Converting Sugar Into Liquid Form: Canned fruits, which many think are healthy, come drenched in sugary syrup (made by dissolving loads of sugar in water). Another liquid form of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, is more harmful than regular sugar because it increases appetite, causes metabolic dysregulation, and a study says even moderate consumption of corn syrup can promote tumor growth. Candies, soda, fast food, sauces, ice cream, packaged cereals, jams, syrups, may contain HCFS, so avoid them.
5. Different Forms of Sugar: Agave nectar, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, liquid glucose, maltodextrin, malt extract are all different forms of sugar that are added in packaged and processed food.
6. Combining Smaller Quantities of Different Sugar: To avoid listing out sugar as a major ingredient in their products, food companies cleverly combine different forms of sugar in smaller quantities so that they can be listed out towards the end of the ingredients list. Make sure you google out every ingredient list to avoid many different forms of sugar getting into your body.
7. Making Sugar-Free Versions: We do think that “sugar free” is usually zero added sugar; under FDA rule, packaged foods and drinks should have no than 0.5 grams of sugar per serving (and it’s all about refined sugar), but food companies use honey, agave nectar, corn syrup to add sweetness to their products, and they are all forms of sugar.
8. By Adding Flavours To Products: Though milk and yogurt are healthy, food companies add heaps of sugar in their flavourful versions to appeal to the customers, with the “healthy” tag intact on their products.
9. In Low-Fat Stuff: Beware of “low-fat” processed food because they often contain added sugar to improve flavour and taste of fat-free products. Believe us, full-fat versions would be a much better bet for your health than low-fat processed food.
10. Cutting Down Portion Size: Many times, the serving size is very less compared to what is consumed by an average person. While the amount of sugar in these smaller serving sizes mentioned by the companies might be low, we tend to eat two or three times that amount in one sitting. So, do check the complete nutritional profile and serving size of processed food to avoid this trip.

These were some ways sugar sneaks up in your daily diet, preventing you from losing weight, apart from creating a host of health problems. If weight loss is on your mind, do check out the Rati Beauty diet which shows you how eating right can make you lean, healthy, and fit. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

48 Different Names for Sugar Added Sneakily in Processed Food
How To Lose Weight While Eating More Food

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Please raise your hands if your hair feels frizzy and super dry even in summers. Winter and rainy seasons are notorious in sapping out all moisture from hair and make them look kinky and straw like. However, during summer, if the strands are particularly damaged, hair seeks moisture from the air, which causes it to swell up and turn frizzy. Also, the excessive use of heat tools like straightener, blow dryer, use of alcohol-based styling products, and harsh shampoos can make the situation worse. But fret not, convert lacklustre and dry hair to smooth mane with these 7 super effective remedies.

Super Effective Remedies To Fight Summer Frizz

1. Almond Oil and Honey Pack: While almond oil is a natural hair emollient and conditioner, honey repairs the hair shaft from within and provides it loads of moisture and hydration. However, beware that honey is known to lighten the hue of hair, so in case, your hair is on the darker spectrum and you want to keep it that way, you might want to stay away from using honey on your scalp. To make this mask, mix equal quantities of both honey and almond oil, apply on hair evenly, keep for one hour, and rinse off with normal water.

2. Coconut Oil and Vitamin E Mask: Coconut oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the hair structure, repairing and conditioning them from deep within. Vitamin E is loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent damage to your tresses by providing them a ton of nutrition. Take a few tbsp of coconut oil into a bowl and squeeze two or three vitamin E capsules, mix well, and apply all over the hair. You can keep this mask overnight or rinse away after keeping for one hour.

3. Mayonnaise Treatment: Mayonnaise might be a very tasty addition to your sandwiches and burgers but, along with it, it is known to work wonders for your hair as well. To repair your hair with good old mayo, all you need to do is coat your hair evenly with some mayo and then pull them up in a bun and wrap your bun in a hot damp towel for about 20 minutes before washing off your hair. But make sure you pick a full-fat mayonnaise version to reap maximum benefits.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: ACV has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help in treating scalp issues and fight dandruff. But do you know, it also works like a charm when it comes to tackling frizzy hair and it treats them by closing the cuticles of your hair so that you enjoy a smooth and frizz-free mane. Use ACV in a diluted form, by adding 1 tbsp of ACV in 4 tbsp of water, and 1 tbsp of honey. Mix well, transfer the content to a spray bottle, and apply all over the hair. Keep it for 40 minutes and rinse off with normal water.

5. Aloe Vera Gel and Olive Oil Combo: Olive oil can work wonders for all hair types, particularly frizzy hair, without weighing it down. Aloe vera gel forms a protective layer of moisture on your hair shaft and restores your hair’s former elasticity. To make this mask, take equal parts of olive oil and aloe vera gel, mix well, massage on the scalp and hair, leave for 40 minutes and rinse with cold water and shampoo.

6. Banana, Milk, Honey Hair Mask: This mask makes hair soft, smooth, and fights the frizz, all while making hair strong and healthy. Full recipe with tutorial on how to make this hair mask here.

7. Dry your Hair with a T-Shirt To Avoid Frizz: Here’s the smartest hack for your hair – use your soft T-shirt to dry hair instead of bath towels to avoid frizz. The smooth texture of t-shirt cloth absorbs excess water and does not cause friction and disturb the texture of hair. You can also use a microfiber towel and it works the same way.

Most importantly, switch your shampoo and conditioner to ones that promise to hydrate and add moisture to the hair. Also, avoid excessive heat styling, use heat protectant and hair serum when styling, and use cold water to rinse hair.

Banana Hair Pack for Healthy Hair
All-Natural Hair Serum for Frizzy Hair

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Water retention can bring big disappointment when you stand on the weighing scale and keep fingers crossed, expecting the numbers to tip in your favour. But even with cutting out lots of calories, giving up all your favorite food, and exercising every single day, when the scale refuses to budge, it would be prudent to consider water retention as the cause. Water retention occurs when excess fluid builds up inside the body. This is also known as water retention or edema, even bloating. Water retention occurs in the circulatory system or within cavities and tissues. Most common symptoms include swelling of hands, feet, ankles, and legs. There are various reasons why it occurs, and most of the times, it’s nothing serious. Some women experience water retention during pregnancy or before their monthly periods (as part of PMS). Water retention is most common in people who are physically inactive and lead a sedentary lifestyle, or those who spend sitting through for long hours in the office. However, in some people water retention can be a symptom of a severe medical condition like kidney disease or heart failure. If you experience sudden or severe water retention, seek medical help immediately. But if the swelling is mild and there is no underlying health condition, you may be able to reduce water retention with a few simple tips! In this post, we have listed out 14 effective and natural ways to reduce water retention.

Ways To Reduce Water Retention

Most Common Signs of Water Retention:

1. Bloating.
2. Swelling in legs and feet.
3. Fluctuations in weight.
4. Stiff joints.
5. Puffy face.

14 Ways To Reduce Water Retention:

1. Limit your Salt Intake: Love salty food? This might punch your heart! Salt has a formula of NaCl which is sodium plus chloride. Sodium has a job, it binds the water in the body and helps maintain the balance of fluids both inside and outside of cells. If you eat salt in moderation but yet see water retention, it might all come from processed and junk food, where your body will retain more water. In fact, processed, packaged, and canned foods are the biggest source of sodium. The most common advice for reducing water retention is to reduce sodium intake.

2. Add Potassium-Rich Foods in your diet: Potassium is a mineral that aids in several important functions. It aids in healthy functioning of heart. Potassium helps to reduce water retention in two simple ways, by reducing sodium levels and increasing urine production. Say hello to frequent visits! Banana, tomatoes, avocados are all good sources of potassium.

3. Drink Green Tea: Green tea is a natural diuretic, it is an ideal treatment for combating fluid retention problems. Results show that drinking green tea regularly can reduce body fat by up to 19 percent. Bonus- green tea’s caffeine level aids in weight loss. You can drink my green tea twice a day, consuming more than that may backfire because it will lead to dehydration. So, limit green tea consumption to two cups in a 24-hour period. Also read: “10 Ways to Maximize Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss.”

4. Stay Away from Refined Carbs: Eating refined carbs can rapidly spike the blood sugar and insulin levels. High insulin levels cause the body to retain more sodium by increasing the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys, which leads to more fluid volume inside the body. Perfect example of refined carbs are processed sugars and grains, such as table sugar and white flour. Pizza, donuts, burgers, cakes, chocolate filled cookies – basically everything you love!

5. Ginger Tea: Ginger has natural diuretic properties and can reduce fluid retention and help with weight loss. Enjoy ginger tea with a slice of lemon and a face mask! Aren’t they the perfect combo? You’re welcome!

6. Move around: Try walking, jogging or even running! Moving around can be effective in reducing those extra fluids in areas like lower limbs. Elevate your feet because it may also help in reducing water.

7. Eat Fennel Seeds: Now you know why fennel seeds are served after meals in Indian restaurants? They have diuretic properties. Eat fennel seeds after meals or boil a few seeds in water to make fennel tea!

8. Drink Plenty of Water: When your body does not get enough water, the next time you sip on that, it will store the water in the body. This causes a temporary gain in pounds on the weighing scale. Doctors recommend to drink more water; it may sound strange but increasing water intake can paradoxically reduce water retention since it will also help to flush out excess sodium from the body. H20 is the solution for every problem!

9. Sip on Apple Cider Vinegar: Yes, apple cider vinegar can reduce water retention. You can incorporate apple cider vinegar in your daily diet, as shown on the Rati Beauty meal plan. As it is good source of potassium, it helps in bringing down the sodium content, which is responsible for water retention and bloating. You can also consume apple cider vinegar with warm water the first thing in the morning or before hitting the bed at night.

10. Sip on Dandelion Tea: Just like ginger tea, dandelion tea is a herbal remedy to debloat and reduce water retention because it is also a natural diuretic. Also read: “10 Herbal Teas to Reduce Bloating.”

11. Eat Magnesium-Rich Food: Love dark chocolate? Here’s one more reason to nibble on dark chocolate – it helps to de-bloat and reduce water retention with its magnesium content. Here’s some more info on magnesium – it helps you sleep better, lowers risk of diabetes, protects the brain, relives stress, reduces aches and pains, and improves mood as well. Almonds, spinach, peanuts, tofu, leafy green vegetables, fatty fish, pumpkin seeds are some other sources of rich in magnesium.

12. Cut Down Sugar: Just like excess sodium, too much sugar can also cause bloating and water retention. Cutting out white sugar will help a great deal to fight the bloat.

13.  Try Yoga: There are multiple benefits of practicing yoga regularly – from relieving back pain to weight loss, yoga can do it all! Ardha matsyendrasana (half fish pose), dhanurasana (wheel pose), halasana (plough pose), warrior pose, bhujanga asana (cobra pose), ustrasana (camel pose) are some asanas that can relieve water retention and bloating.

14. Switch to a Healthy Diet: Last but not the least, a healthy diet is the remedy to a majority of health issues, water retention and bloating can be prevented by getting on a healthy diet, like the Rati Beauty diet, and the best thing is that you can also lose weight by following the meal plans on this diet.

However, if water retention still persists or cause problem, then it’s best to see a doctor. Till then, stay fit and healthy.

10 Ways to Maximize Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss10 Natural Herbs that Boost Weight Loss

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Want to go on a diet? But then the idea of giving up all indulgent food, especially if you absolutely love everything cheesy – grilled cheese sandwich, cheese dosa, cheese dosa for example, pulls you back, we totally understand! In fact, the love for cheese-filled goodness is universal! People consider cheese to be off-limits considering it is an extremely calorie-dense food with a high fat content. The thought that every time you bite into a slice of pizza, hundreds of calories are going to flood your body, and assuming all of it is coming from the cheese is a misconception (that pizza is full of empty calories from refined flour, sodium, added sugar, color and flavour). For people trying to lose weight and counting every single calorie, indulging in this gooey goodness can rake up guilt like nothing. As we have mentioned previously, cheese is instantly categorized into the list of bad foods that lead to quick weight gain. We have always maintained that maintaining a calorie deficit would trigger the fat-burning process, and would you believe that “cheese” can be added to that category? With portion control in mind, here’s how you can eat cheese and still lose weight. So, in this post, we would tell you which cheese to indulge in and why it’s okay to have cheese while on a weight loss diet.

How You Can Eat Cheese and Still Lose Weight

Why Having Cheese is Okay While Trying To Lose Weight?

Most cheese varieties have high protein and calcium content and both these nutrients help to fight the bulge. Without enough calcium, it’s a bit difficult to burn stored fat (especially belly fat) and cheese has a high percentage of calcium content. Protein, as we all know, burns more calories, keeps you full for longer, curbs appetite, and also boosts metabolism – paneer (or cottage cheese) for example is a good source of protein. Also, varieties such as ricotta is a good source of vitamin D (whose deficiency is linked to weight gain and hormonal imbalances). Most importantly, cheddar, gouda, and feta types have probiotics that strengthen the gut and reduce the number of calories one absorbs from the food and fight inflammation as well. Certain cheese varieties have nutrients such as vitamin A, zinc, B12, vitamin K, etc. Not to forget, we need a certain amount of fat in our daily diet to prevent overeating, for proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E, and to maintain hormonal balance, and cheese can be a good source of such fat.

Best Cheese Options While Trying To Lose Weight:

1. Feta Cheese: Originally feta cheese is made from goat or sheep milk, but it can also come from cow’s milk. It’s a good source of protein, also high in calcium. A study says you can get around 14% of your daily recommended calcium intake in one serving of feta cheese. There are 75 calories, 4 gm of protein, and around 6 gm of fat in 28 gm of feta cheese. You can also get rare nutrients like selenium and phosphorous from this cheese as well.
2. Cottage Cheese aka Paneer: It’s a good source of protein for vegetarians who are trying to lose weight. It increases satiety and reduces hunger pangs. Since it’s low in carbs, it can be made part of all diet forms. In one cup of cottage cheese, there would be approximately 160 calories, 1 gm of fat, and around 14 gm of protein (and this one cup would keep you fuller for longer!). Also read: “12 Best Plant Protein Sources for Vegetarians.”
3. Cheddar Cheese: It’s also a good source of protein and calcium, promoting fullness, curbing appetite, boosting metabolism as well. Cheddar has around 110 calories and 9 g of fat in 28 gm.

4. Parmesan Cheese: There’s a lot of nutrients in this yummy cheese variety – protein, calcium, and also low in lactose. You can add it to salads and soups for extra creaminess, but it’s slightly high in calories, with 122 calories in 28 gm and around 8 gm of fat.

5. Mozzarella: It’s the cheese we all love! Used in pizza toppings, it has good protein, calcium, and around 79 calories in 28 gm, 6 gm of protein, and 6 gm of fat. Also to note, mozzarella cheese is low on carbs as well.

Tips To Remember While Including Cheese in your Diet:

1. As is the case with even the healthiest of foods (eggs, oats, avocado, etc.), keep the calorie count in mind and practice portion control with cheese.

2. Swap Mayonnaise with Cheese: As a spread, cheese is definitely much more healthier than mayonnaise and lower in calories as well. Replace your mayonnaise with yummy cheese.

3. Paneer (cottage cheese), feta, parmesan varieties can add so much flavour to bland soups and salads.

4. Avoid cream cheese, blue cheese which have extremely high amount of calories.

Most importantly, if weight loss is on your mind, Rati Beauty diet would help you lose inches and weight without asking you to deprive yourself of food; eat the right kind of food and find ways to get into a calorie deficit to burn fat on the Rati Beauty diet.

12 Secrets for Eating Pizza Without Gaining Weight
12 Best Plant Protein Sources for Vegetarians

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Going for a trim or hair cut is often considered as the only option to get rid of split ends, but it’s just a temporary solution, and we can do more than just snip away at those brittle and fractured bits of hair! Frizzy, dry, brittle hair with split ends can make every day a bad hair day. Split ends is the most common hair care woe a majority of people have. Most products targeted towards split ends contain silicones which coat the hair, filling in the rough surface, but it’s just a temporary solution, and not a natural one. Read about 10 amazing home remedies for split ends and to strengthen hair as well.

Amazing Home Remedies For Split Ends

What Causes Split Ends?

1. Excessive heat styling.
2. Not conditioning hair enough.
3. Using harsh shampoo and hair products.
4. Sun exposure.
5. Hair dye, hair color.
6. Chemical treatments.
7. Nutrient deficiencies.

10 Amazing Home Remedies For Split Ends:

1. Mash a few ripe papaya cubes and apply this pulp directly on the hair strands. Let it stay for one hour. Rinse away with normal water.

2. Make a hair pack with fresh coconut milk and one egg white, apply to the hair ends (you can use it on the scalp as well), keep for one hour and rinse away with a mild shampoo.

3. Apply natural honey on your hair and scalp. Leave it on your hair for about half an hour and then wash it with a very mild shampoo.

4. Avocado oil is extremely effective in keeping hair healthy and to prevent split ends. Massage this oil on your scalp and hair. Leave it on for one hour before washing it with a mild shampoo. Use this oil at least two times a week.

5. Add 1 tsp honey to 2 tbsp of olive oil and beat it 1 egg yolk. Massage this on hair. Cover the head with shower cap for about 30 minutes. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

6. Massage hair and scalp with warm olive oil. Leave it for about 8 hours or overnight. Wash hair and rinse with vinegar/water solution. You can also mix honey with it. But if you plan to do so then do not leave it overnight.

7. Take half cup olive oil and half cup warm water. Mix well and transfer the content into a spray bottle. Shake well and spray it on to the hair length and tips. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap a hot towel over it. Leave the mixture on your hair for about half hour and then shampoo it as usual.

8. Add 1 tsp. each of mustard oil, castor oil and olive oil into a small container and mix well. Put the mixture on your scalp, massage it in well and let sit for 30 minutes. Also read: “10 Ways to Use Castor Oil to Control Hair Fall.”

9. Almond oil can soften, moisturize and strengthen hair and prevent split ends. Warm up almond oil slightly and apply to the hair ends, keep it overnight and wash with a mild shampoo the next morning.

10. Take 4 tbsp of curd, add one whole egg, and mash one ripe banana, and 1 tbsp to make a thick mask. Apply all over the scalp and hair to strengthen hair and prevent split ends. Keep for 40 minutes and rinse away with a mild shampoo.

With these tips, you can prevent a whole lot of hair woes as well, not just split ends!

Honey and Olive Oil Homemade Hair Mask
10 Ways to Use Castor Oil to Control Hair Fall

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Come to think of it, the food stuff you bring home from the supermarket and grocery store aisles can determine up to a great degree whether you would lose weight or gain a few more extra pounds over the next few days. If you look closely and read labels, the products that have been labelled with tags like “healthy,” “100% real,” “organic,” you would be able to gauge that most of them are misleading. No matter what the front label says, don’t let it fool you into picking it up! The labels on the front of processed foods are made attractive, with colorful packaging, decorated with fancy buzzwords to appeal to consumers. Evidence shows that front labels of food products are misleading in most cases. For example, certain breakfast cereals that have labels like “fortified with vitamins,” “made with whole grain,” “with real fruits,” are highly processed and have little to zero nutritional value. Regardless of what the packaging says, these breakfast items are not at all healthy! Gullible people who want to get healthy and lose weight often fall for these tag lines and actually replace healthy home-made healthy options like idli, dosa poha, dalia, paratha, dhokla with these. In fact, some people rely on packaged fruit juices for a healthy start to the day! Millions of dollars are spent by brands to make their products attractive and also double the amount is splurged on advertising through print, television, and social media to promote their products as “healthy.” As we have mentioned above, food companies use fancy tags and trending buzzwords on their labels to give their products a “healthy” makeover. They try to cash in on the hype surrounding certain tags, “organic” for example. Though there are guidelines by food regulatory authorities to ensure consumers are not misled or duped, food companies often find loopholes and know how to circumvent certain guidelines and rules. With millions spent on marketing and advertising, it becomes exceedingly difficult to ignore such food. In fact, research done by Nielsen Survey, showed that approximately 59 percent of consumers have difficulty in understanding nutrition labels! When you are out grocery shopping, especially in a supermarket, the aisles are full of foods that are hyped and placed cleverly to attract your attention. So, in a world where every other food seems to have been adulterated and processed, we consumers need to be wise and careful before purchasing any food product. In this post, we list out 16 misleading labels and how to avoid being tricked by them, so that you can make informed choices.

How Not To Be Tricked By These Misleading Food Labels

1. Low-Calorie: Though margarine is promoted as low in calories and a healthier option to plain butter, it is made with vegetable oil (butter is made from dairy), which makes it high in transfat, not only raising cholesterol levels, it also increases the risk of heart disease. By all means, pick butter over margarine, and ignore the “low calorie” label on this product because there’s only a minuscule difference between margarine (106 calories per tbsp) and butter (101 calories per tbsp).
2. 100% Organic: All of us are looking for organic products, whether it’s food or cosmetics, even cleaning products. But organic does not necessarily mean “healthy” because organic food can be high in fat, sugar, and calorie count.
3. All Natural: This is one label you should watch out for because what is passed as “all natural” may not actually be healthy. For example, high fructose corn syrup is extracted from corn, but regular consumption can put you in a prediabetic category and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
4. Sugar-free: Food companies are allowed to add up to 0.5 grams of sugar in a single serving size. And multiple servings will increase that amount. Also, sugar-free products may have high fat content to compensate for the lack of taste when sugar has been removed. Additionally, artificial sweeteners that have been added disturb the gut flora and alter proper functioning of the gut.
5. No Added Sugar: Food companies are adding sugar under different names, avoiding the simple term “sugar.” If you are on a diet or simply leading a healthy life, you need to know what sugar is called in different names because you read two or more sugar names in the ingredients list, do yourself a favour and stay away from it! Let’s begin- cane sugar, brown sugar, buttered sugar, beet sugar, caster sugar, coconut sugar, invert sugar, date sugar, golden sugar, organic raw sugar, raspadura sugar, muscovado sugar, confectioner’s sugar and evaporated cane juice are some common sugars found in processed food. Types of syrup: high-fructose corn syrup, golden syrup, oat syrup, carob syrup, honey, agave nectar, rice bran syrup,malt syrup, maple syrup, rice syrup, malt syrup. Other types of sugars: Lactose, barley malt, molasses, ethyl maltol, cane juice crystals, maltodextrin, galactose, malt powder, corn sweetener, crystalline fructose, dextran, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, maltose, disaccharides, and glucose. These are all sugars, irrespective of how they have been mentioned on the ingredients list.
6. Brown Bread: That piece of brown bread you made a healthy sandwich may not be healthy after all, a lot of brands are using caramel coloring so that their breads look “brown-er” and healthy.
7. Fat-Free: When fat content is ripped, the process leaves the food bland and tasteless. To appeal to the tastebuds of consumers, companies add heaps of sugar, refined carbs, salt, emulsifiers, and thickeners which add high amount of calories to the body. Such a tendency defeats the whole purpose where one is actually going “low fat” to lose weight.
8. Multigrain Everything: From bread to atta, even chips have begun to add “multigrain” to their products, but multigrain stuff usually has a higher percentage of refined flour and empty calories.
9. Zero Transfat: Transfat is bad for your heart, even worse for your waist. Foods that claim to contain zero trans fat can actually contain up to 0.5 grams per serving, and this number quickly adds up with multiple servings.
10. Enriched with Fruits: With dehydrated and sweetened fruits, it’s just like eating candy.
11. Immunity Boosters: With the covid pandemic, everyone is looking to strengthen their immunity, even toothpaste brands are claiming they have ingredients that can boost immunity.
12. Fortified Foods: Recent study shows that regular consumption of fortified food (where extra nutrients are added) may not be good for children, especially with vitamin A and zinc, whose overdose can cause liver damage. Stick to natural food to get your nutrients, unless prescribed by a doctor.
13. Low-Carb: Just how much carb is low carb? Though bread, pasta, cereals, flavoured and sweetened products, fruit juices might carry the tag “low carb,” they still are unhealthy.
14. Whole Grains: They may contain refined flour with hardly any “whole grain” percentage.
15. Gluten Free: The hype surrounding gluten free + weight loss is pushing more and more food companies to opt for this tag, but people “without” gluten intolerance would hardly benefit from using such products, especially when most of them have low-fiber content.
16. Made with Real Fruits: They might have a low percentage of fruit and a higher percentage of fruit flavour with synthentic chemicals.

How To Avoid Being Tricked by Misleading Labels:

1. Don’t fall for attractive packaging and fancy words on the front of the product, always turn the product around to get the full picture. No matter what the front label says, don’t let it fool you! Front labels are often luring and convincing, and in most cases, false!
2. Consider the first three ingredients mentioned on the list because they make the largest part of the product. If the label says, it’s a “real fruits” and the ingredients list doesn’t contain any fruit in the first three, keep the product back and move forward. Avoid products that contains refined flour which means maida in layman terms, hydrogenated oil, and palm oil. If the ingredients is longer than 2-3 lines, then it suggests that it is highly processed and your body definitely doesn’t need such products.
3. Read the fine print on the packaging, that’s where the truth about the product is hidden.
4. Make it a point to check what ** has to say on the product.
5. With more than than five ingredients, it’s a processed food.
6. Not sure if a product has hidden sugar in it, check this list to find out different ways to avoid added sugar. High fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, fructose are all sugar and they are processed in the body in the same way as white sugar. Also read: “48 Different Names for Sugar Added Sneakily in Processed Food.”
7. Read Nutrition Label: It would be a great habit to spend some time and check nutrition labels of food products because they would clearly depict in detail total calories, saturated fat content, added sodium or sugar levels. Also, you would be able to eliminate the possibility of transfat making into your diet by reading the label properly.
8. Check out the Serving Size: Nutrition labels show standard amount of calories and nutrients of the product, with respect to a single serving. However, these serving sizes are much smaller than what an average person consumes. Consider this, one serving might be half a pack of biscuit, or half a bottle of soda, or half a chocolate bar, or of one single chocolate bar. In this manner, the manufacturers trick the consumer into thinking that the food contains fewer calories. If you really want to count your calories to stay in a calorie deficit (in order to lose weight), multiply the calories amount given at the back with the amount you consumed.

Summing up, never skip reading the ingredients list on products and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Prepare meals at home for higher nutritional value and healthier body. Also, if weight loss is on your mind, Rati Beauty diet with its healthy meal plan will help you make informed choices with regards to food so that you can lose weight by eating the right kind of food.

How to Cut Back on Added Sugar to Lose Weight
48 Different Names for Sugar Added Sneakily in Processed Food

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Green leafy vegetables (all of them) can be considered the most weight-loss friendly foods due to the high nutrient and low-calorie content. Leafy greens are great for everyone, from kids to adults to the elderly, and of course, for people who want to lose weight. In this post, we would like to place the spotlight on spinach, which studies say not only helps with weight loss, it also prevents weight gain as well. Palak as it is popularly known in India, has been found to aid weight loss, with an ability to suppress appetite and boost metabolism. So, what makes spinach unique? As we have mentioned above, spinach is a leafy green vegetable with extremely low calorie count, with 100 gm of spinach having only 23 calories, and it’s an absolutely great way to eat your way into calorie deficit without compromising on nutrition. It’s also rich in protein, fibre, vitamin C, calcium, and other minerals, which make it a nutrient-dense vegetable. A certain study that was published in US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health found that women who had 5 gm of spinach every day managed to lose a higher percentage of body fat. After reading further about the weight-loss benefits of spinach, we are certain that you would understand Popeye’s obsession with spinach. Read on:

Can Eating Spinach Everyday Help you Lose Weight

Why you Need To Eat Spinach Every day?

1. Spinach contains vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, vitamin K1 and vitamin C. Supports a healthy immune system. Promotes healthy growth and reproduction.
2. Folic Acid: Folic acid helps your body produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Folic acid is usually prescribed to pregnant women.
3. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It also helps in formation of collagen, keeps skin and teeth healthy.
4. Calcium: Human body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly. Most importantly, people who have adequate amount of calcium tend to lose belly fat more quickly with the right diet and exercise than people who have calcium deficiency. So, increase calcium in your body through these natural foods.
5. Iron: Adequate levels of oxygen is required by the body to burn fat, and to carry oxygen to muscles and brain. Iron deficiency will impact hemoglobin level and also affect thyroid function, and trigger weight gain.
6. Water-Dense Vegetable: It’s a water-dense vegetable, low in calories, high in nutrients – what else can you ask for!
7. Boosts Metabolism: Due to its high iron and nutrient content, spinach boosts metabolism and increases the rate at which the body burns calories.
8. High in Protein: We all know protein is an essential macronutrient that drives weight loss, and spinach is also a good source of protein. Also read: “10 Amazing Ways to Start Eating Healthy.”
9. Thylakoids: Not many people know, but spinach has a compound called “thylakoids,” that have been found to suppress appetite and reduce the level of “ghrelin” (the hunger hormone). Thylakoids also prevent insulin spike and discourage storage of fat in the body. It suppresses hunger and increases satiety.

6 Different Ways To Include Spinach in Daily Diet:

1. Green Smoothie: Try a green smoothie in breakfast. Make a smoothie/low-fat milk shake and add handful of fresh spinach leaves. You can either use raw leaves or boil it for few minutes and add it into the blender. You can hardly taste spinach in the drink. It will definitely look a lot green but won’t taste that bad.

2. Fill Half of the Plate with Leafy Green Vegetables: Fill one quarter of your plate with a healthy protein source and one-quarter of your plate with whole grain (like quinoa, brown rice), and fill half of your plate with veggies, and make sure spinach is one of them.

3. Add it to Vegetables: Add chopped spinach leaves in your vegetables. Whichever vegetables you are cooking, you can easily add handful of spinach leaves to the veggies. It will look a lot colourful and will be healthy at the same time.

4. Spinach Roti: An another way to add spinach in your diet is through roti. Spinach roti is simply made by adding chopped spinach leaves and some spices, salt to the wheat flour, kneading the dough by adding little water and roasting the roti with low fat butter.

5. Spinach Daal: Just add handful of spinach leaves into the tempering (tadka) and cook as usual. Your usual lentils is turned into spinach lentil.

6. Spinach Salad: Add spinach leaves to your salad bowl. Top it up with low calorie dressing and voila you have literally added spinach in every meal!

Summing up, to lose weight, one needs to eat a healthy diet to get into calorie deficit and foods like spinach help you achieve that without compromising on nutrition. That’s why the Rati Beauty diet is full of such healthy ingredients help you lose weight and get lean.

10 Amazing Ways to Start Eating Healthy
10 Strategies to Look Leaner and Fitter

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Desperate to lose weight and want to drop those extra pounds quickly? Slimming down is on everyone’s mind, but there are no shortcuts to melt away fat overnight, and if some magic potion promises to do that, steer clear and beware. Nothing moves the stored fat than an energy crunch and calorie deficit created with a combination of diet and exercise. Don’t we all quick fixes, especially when it comes to weight loss, but certain shortcuts can do more harm than good, and it’s important to find out which ones you should stay away from and not fall for marketing gimmicks, because they can be harmful for your health.

Slimming Shortcuts That Can Be Harmful For your Health

1. Slimming Creams/Fat Burning Gels: These creams tend to cause a stinging and burning sensation when massaged onto problematic areas with excess fat and such thermic effect, should be considered as the gel/cream targeting the fat! These creams work best at the superficial level with certain ingredients like caffeine that boosts blood circulation, reduces swelling, and improves appearance of cellulite, but there’s no proper evidence that it would get absorbed and burn away stored fat. Among other adverse affects, rashes, swelling, excessive sweating, nausea, dizziness, and even tremors have been reported.

2. Fad Diets: These are some reported side effects and health issues on fad diets such as cabbage soup, cookie diet, ice cream diet – hair fall, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, dehydration are some minor ones people complain about. These diets are not sustainable and most of them are based on food deprivation, focus only on a single ingredient, and cannot be even termed safe. They sound good options for people looking for quick fixes and such diets cash in on their desperation to get lean and slim. But the main issue with these diets is that you would most likely gain all the lost weight back within a few days after you begin to eat normally. Additionally, here’s a list of “10 Fad Diets That We Absolutely Do Not Recommend.”

3. Weight Loss Pills: The decision to pick a hyped-up weight loss pill from the market in the hope to shed weight quickly can most probably be the most unwise decision that you can make with regards to your health. Weight loss pills and fat cutters that claim to melt fat from your body may do more harm to your body than good. There’s just one right way to shed excess weight and get healthy at the same time – by following a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis. The shortcuts to faster weight loss in the form of pills can only reduce water weight. Also, the fun trivia here – almost all these pills ask you to reduce calories, cut down on unhealthy carbs, eat healthy, and exercise – a few sureshot ways to actually lose weight without popping these pills! Common side effects of popping such pills are blood pressure fluctuations, bloating, nausea, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea, and faster heart rate.
4. Sipping on Copious Amounts of Green Tea: There’s no doubt that green tea boosts metabolism and helps with weight loss but only when taken in moderation. Though green tea has its benefits, taking copious amounts in the hopes to burn more fat will lead to dehydration, insomnia, and may affect liver. Limit green tea consumption to about two cups in a day. Also read “10 Natural Herbs that Boost Weight Loss.”
5. Investing in a Sauna Belt: They want to make you believe that the profuse sweating caused by wearing sauna belt is extra fat melting away! Wrong! Wearing such a belt with little benefit will lead to dehydration and even heat stroke. Also read: “Do Weight Loss/Fat Burning Belts Really Work?”
6. Working out Every Single Day: Exercise does wonders for weight loss and the best thing is you just need to workout for 4 days in a week and allow to the body to rest and burn fat efficiently during that period. Working out every single day may actually backfire with exhaustion and injuries setting in – so that’s why rest days are equally important when trying to lose weight through exercise.
7. Detox Diet: They would tell you that drinking copious amounts of detox water would help you shed weight, but then drinking so much liquid can lead to loss of electrolytes from the body leading to headache, dizziness, hair fall, nausea, and cramps. Just eat healthy and the body would detox itself, there’s no need to flood the system with too much water. You should have a minimum of 8 glasses of water and a maximum of 2.7 liters for women and no more than 3.7 liters for men.
8. Relying on Laxatives: These have no affect on stored fat, they just reduce water weight, and relying on laxatives would lead to dehydration, nausea, headaches, dizziness, and cause electrolyte imbalance which can lead to seizures and even coma.

Summing up, the correct way to lose weight is by following a healthy diet plan such as the Rati Beauty diet and working out consistently. This meal plan would show you what to eat, how much to eat to get into a calorie deficit and lose weight the healthy way.

10 Natural Herbs that Boost Weight Loss
10 Exercise Tips to Get Slim Fingers

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